Last minute. After a huge flag and shouting “freedom” about two thousand protesters left the Circus Maximus, in Rome, where they had gathered, in procession to go to the Bocca della Verità where the demonstration against the “dictatorship of health” in Covid began . They wave Italian flags and almost all without masks sing the national anthem. Among the displayed posters, one with the words “Government of murderous criminals.”
Covid, the procession of deniers in Rome today. Di Maio: “At least respect the families of the dead”
“We do not deny the virus, but how they told us. And today we are numerous in the streets of Rome to demand the elimination of the state of exception, which does not have to exist. Mario Bacco, forensic doctor and investigator, member of the association ‘L’Eretico’, highlights this to Adnkronos Salute Pasquale, of the event ‘without a mask’ that takes place in Rome. “I am one of the 11 doctors who performed autopsies when it was prohibited, and I can say it: the virus kills if you are sick, if you are very old or do not treat you properly. Today we know which drugs are useful for patients, and that antibiotics should be administered for superinfections and anticoagulants.
“Today’s demonstration in Rome aims to clarify: we have not been able to get news of people under 60 who died only from Covid -adds Bacchus-. We do not deny the virus, but how it is counted. We need clarity, transparency and contradiction, “he concludes.
Luca Bizzarri (with the mask) at the deniers’ rally
Minister Speranza:
«Seeing a square of deniers sincerely makes you shudder ”: said the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, in Potenza, on the sidelines of the last day of the regional celebration of the CGIL Basilicata. «The fundamental rules – he added – the mask and the spacing must be truly respected by all. The country – he concluded – is united in this challenge ».
Parade and slogans
“We are not deniers, we are against the health dictatorship, against the obligation to vaccinate because we no longer put our hands on children,” said the organizers from the stage. Among the slogans they chanted “Hands off the children” and “Truth.” There was no shortage of insults to the government, boos to the President of the Republic and a photo of Pope Francis was also burned by a participant.
In addition to the tricolor, flags of Donald Trump and one with the photo of Benedict XVI waved among the crowd while on stage there were many interventions that touched on the most disparate topics: from alleged medical errors, to vaccines, to the mutation of the electromagnetic field . from the ground to microchips.
Also joining the meeting were the presenter Eleonora Brigliadori, the former M5S deputy Sara Cunial and the Roman leader of Forza Nuova Giuliano Castellino, who stressed: “I am in the square because I am a free man, I do not want to wear a muzzle, I want to embrace my affections” . . Who is a criminal? This square? No. President Zingaretti and Mayor Raggi are ashamed, what are they afraid of? Today there is a free square, ready to fight ».
About 1,500 at the end, according to an estimate by the Police Headquarters, the participants. And in the next few hours the images recorded by the forensic police will be projected to establish any breach of personal protection equipment and the meetings that will be sanctioned. But the denier’s demonstration has sparked a number of controversies even today.
“We want to manage an ongoing pandemic – said Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte -. We answer them with numbers ». “I ask the deniers to at least show respect for the relatives of the dead.” Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio said instead.
The leader of FdI Giorgia Meloni. “I think it is very serious that the government initially underestimated the situation of the Coronavirus,” he said. The government received a detailed study of what happened on February 12. In those days the Democratic Party ran with the slogan that the only virus is racism and Zingaretti went to Milan for an aperitif. So it is thanks to these virus deniers that the coronavirus spread, because the Democratic Party and the government did not take action in time.
Last updated: 20:45