Covid, two thirds of Italy towards tougher restrictions | Schools closed in the red zones: millions of students in dad


Bertolaso: “All Italy towards the red zone” “It seems to me that all of Italy, except Sardinia, is approaching with long strides towards the red zone”, says the Lombard consultant Guido Bertolaso, expressing in no uncertain terms what is the concern of the majority of the Regions. “If this growth, which took place in 10-15 days, does not find an acceleration in the response, we run the risk of being overwhelmed”, confirms the president of Emilia Romagna and of the Conference of Regions Stefano Bonaccini, according to whom the planned restrictions for the “classic orange” zone are no longer enough.

This alarm situation is also certified by the daily data of the Ministry of Health: almost 21 thousand infections in 24 hours, with Lombardy having one in four, another 347 deaths, a positivity rate returned to 5.8%, more than half point more than Tuesday. , increasing hospitalizations both in intensive care and in ordinary wards. The tightening, therefore, will come with monitoring on Friday, even if government sources continue to repeat that a national lockdown is not on the horizon at this time and the gang system will continue.

Emilia-Romagna and Campagna red risk In red they could go from Monday 8 toEmilia romagna, the Campania, which for 10 days has registered more than 2,000 cases a day, and Abruzzo, which in any case already has two provinces, Pescara and Chieti, closed. At risk orange I am there instead Calabria, the Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Friendeto, with Lazio and Puglia on the edge. In fact, the strictest restrictions will apply in two-thirds of Italy.

The school Bologna and Modena they will be in emergency shutdown In the next few hours, Bonaccini announced, while the provinces of Udine and Gorizia will turn orange from Friday by decision of President Massimo Fedriga who has arranged distance education for all secondary, high school and university students. There is no school in presence even for the children of the second and third middle and high schools of the Piedmont. “We have a situation that tells us that day by day things get worse – underlines President Alberto Cirio -. We must be prepared to intervene surgically where necessary.”

Swabs for those who go to “white” Sardinia In white Sardinia, however, from Monday everyone who wants to enter the island must undergo a quick swab. Closures and interventions that, by themselves, are not enough to stop the virus curve. Vaccines are needed and the massive campaign must take off.

Government-Regions Meeting on Friday Both the meeting in Mise in which the foundations were laid for the production of serum in Italy within 4-8 months, and the meeting scheduled for Friday between the Minister of Regional Affairs Mariastella Gelmini and the Regions, in which the new commissioner for the emergency Francesco Paolo Figliuolo and the head of Civil Protection Fabrizio Curcio, go in this direction. “The hopes of all – stressed Bonaccini – is a turning point in the supply” which, however, depends on the EU and how much Brussels will be able to pressure the pharmaceutical companies.

Not at home the Prime Minister Mario Draghi and Commission President Ursula von der Leyen had a telephone conversation with the need for an acceleration when it comes to vaccines. Instead, Figliuolo and Curcio are responsible for operating the administration machine following the premier’s instructions: centralize and standardize the vaccination campaign. Friday’s meeting will be a first confrontation to identify how to standardize the different systems identified by the Regions but also to put on the table possible solutions: from the use of the Defense impulse to that of the 300 thousand Civil Protection volunteers. up to the involvement of pharmacies in the administration.

The need to accelerate injections with Astrazeneca will also be reiterated to the regions – 442,000 of the million and a half doses administered have been administered – also in view of the likely green light for the British model for this drug, so there are no more stocks since withdrawal is expected 12 weeks after the first injection.

In Germany, “light” blockade until March 28 Germany extended the blockade until March 28, but in a slightly less restrictive way. This is the result of the State-Regions summit. As of Monday, the prohibition of contacts will be relaxed with the possibility of meeting between two residential units, up to 5 people, but not counting those under 14 years of age. Openings are planned gradually.
