Covid Tuscany, the tracking begins again. Encouraging data, but must be consolidated / LIVE


Florence, November 13, 2020 – The data of November 12 on Covid in Tuscany is encouraging: the number of new positives, as the mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella, had anticipated, and the president of the Tuscany Region, Eugenio Giani, already in the morning. The figure falls below two thousand, but especially the positive / swab ratio (net ratio, not counting the control ratio) decreases and the number of hospitalizations grows but less markedly than in recent days. Encouraging signs, but the road is still long and it will take a lot of patience and commitment from everyone.

Florence, 22 Covid beds in the Palagi

22 Covid beds installed in the Iot Palagi in Florence. However, some outpatient specialists will remain in the structure. HERE THE ARTICLE

Here comes the DIY tampon, Meyer’s invention

Meyer Children’s Hospital launches a homemade nasal swab for the diagnosis of Covid-19. It can be used by both adults and children and was developed in the hospital laboratory. HERE THE ARTICLE

Emergency nurses

Recent graduates are also being considered to deal with a real emergency: that of nurses. Here is the situation in Tuscany. HERE THE ARTICLE

Tuscany, tracking restarts

While he hopes to witness the actual flattening of the contagion curve, hoping that it will soon begin to decline, finally Tuscany resumes the tracking line. One of the fundamental “t’s” (test, trace, treat) was skipped to contain the contagion due to the exponential growth in the number of positives and the scarcity of resources at the disposal of the ASL Prevention departments. HERE THE ARTICLE

Giani’s order to clarify the movements between one municipality and another: all cases

From second homes, to olive harvesting, to visits to minor children

First weekend in the orange zone, the call of the mayors: “We limit the movements to the maximum”

Travel and Spend: The Mugello Mayors’ Appeal to Citizenship HERE THE ARTICLE

From Toscana the monoclonal antibody, super weapon against the virus

The monoclonal antibody, a super weapon against the coronavirus developed in Tuscany, will be ready in spring. This morning the Region presented the Pegaso d’oro to the researchers. HERE THE ARTICLE

Stop for scheduled activities

“Let’s all stop scheduled activitiesIt is a matter of days. “This was stated by Paolo Morello Marchese, general director of ASL Toscana centro. The provision, he explains, will affect all the hospitals of the health company, responsible for the provinces of Florence, Prato and Pistoia (except Careggi, A separate university hospital), and aims to free up beds to cope with theCovid emergency. Oncological surgeries, those for time-dependent pathologies such as heart attack and stroke, and emergencies will continue to be guaranteed. Meanwhile you were the bulletin Registered Region another 53 deaths, plus 2,507 new casesand another 50 hospitalizations, a total of 1,874 of which 246 in intensive care (4 more).

Understanding tampons

On the front tampons, today the news of the agreement so that family pediatricians can perform rapid antigen tests, in their own office, to asymptomatic close contacts, identified by the pediatrician himself or identified and reported by the prevention department, or in suspected cases. Subsequently, Governor Eugenio Giani signed the ordinance that allows medical guards to perform rapid antigenic swabs, in their studies and in the premises and facilities made available to the ASL, on contacts at the end of the quarantine and on suspected cases of have had contact. strict.

Tuscan orange

Tuscany has been since yesterday orange zone. Among the new rules: You cannot leave your municipality without justified reason (and in this case self-certification is required), closed bars and restaurants (only take away food is allowed until 10 pm), non-food shopping centers closed on holidays and the eve of holidays, teaching only for distance for superiors and universities: these are the main rules. Questions and answers about the orange zone.

You are Covid: ask your question to the Nazione, we will publish the answers

700 positive elderly cared for in RSA thanks to the units

In this way, the elderly avoid hospitalization HERE THE ARTICLE

Quick swabs even from the doctor’s office

This was established by an ordinance signed by the President of the Region, Eugenio Giani, which aims to strengthen local prevention activities. HERE THE ARTICLE

Quick swabs even at the family pediatrician. Signed agreement

Regional Health Adviser Bezzini: “We strengthen local activities to counteract the spread of Covid.” HERE THE ARTICLE

Livorno: the mayor closes the piers of the seafront at the weekend

‘Moletti’ and ports not accessible in Livorno, with some exceptions, the weekend of November 14 and 15. The entire walk is still accessible, according to a note from the Municipality, but in compliance with anti-covid regulations. HERE THE ARTICLE

Prato, three other priests are positive

Mezzana Pastor and Assistant Pastor and Donald Duck Pastor Covid Positive; This expands the list of priests who have contracted the coronavirus in the Diocese of Prato. HERE THE ARTICLE

Pistoia, the Covid seats are almost finished

Only one place in intensive care and eight in Covid hospitalization, these are the beds left this morning at the San Jacopo hospital in Pistoia after the activation of all the available ones. HERE THE ARTICLE

450 nurses and 170 doctors needed immediately

With the increase in beds, the need for health personnel grows. Governor Giani’s order to simplify procedures

Relationship between swabs and positive covid, the table / The primary: “There are no beds

Covid Toscana, reread Sunday’s live broadcast

Positive cases admitted to intensive care

The trend of the epidemic curve in Tuscany
