Covid Tuscany, outbreak in an RSA. Family Physician Quick Swabs / LIVE


Florence, November 6, 2020 – A few days and goes into operation in Toscanto a contromissura antiCovid needed to quickly find positives: i family doctors will be able to make ‘rapid antigenic swabs’ to patients in the clinic. In the war against the Coronavirus, the Region rejects another move by moving the medical guards active in the area (there are about 300) to be allocated to health hotels and to track positive cases. To do this, to recover the staff, however, the night medical service changes: from midnight to the morning the guard will only be ‘telephone’, that is, at night there will no longer be a doctor in the clinic, but the specialists will attend the phone over three dedicated control panels. Meanwhile, the Yesterday’s daily report counted another 2,273 positives. (mean age 47 years) and 25 deathsi in Tuscany in the last 24 hours. The number of hospitalized patients amounted to 1,589 of which 202 in intensive care. Waiting for the new newsletter today.

Covid: outbreak in an RSA, 1 death and 10 positive guests Read here

Meanwhile, just before midnight on November 3, the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, signed new Dpcm that foresees national measures and others at regional level according to the risk index. Dpcm measures will take effect Friday November 6.

Read also: New dpcm, what can and cannot be done: questions and answers / Dpcm, Tuscany outside the areas of highest risk / Table: the relationship between the positives and the subjects evaluated

Empolese Valdelsa, Covid in the RSA: another five dead

Three new victims were at the RSA Villa Serena in Montaione, another deceased is a guest, 70 years old, of the RSA ‘Vincenzo Chiarugi’ from Empoli.

Mourning cycling: Enzo Erluison has died

He had been fighting him for two weeks. Enzo Erluison coronavirusWithout having improved and his physique this morning, Thursday, November 5, at 10:30 am at the Noa de Massa Hospital, he no longer reacted and died without pain at 67 years old. An extraordinary person, who loved his family and cycling, who taught many and especially his son Edoardo what cycling means. ARTICLE

Nardella: “The color system makes us responsible”

“This is not a competition between regions to see who keeps the best color. It’s not that in Tuscany, if we turn orange, it’s a defeat. The color mechanism makes us more aware and responsible for our behaviors, it helps us to understand if we are in a strong, medium or low contraction regime and therefore what is the risk of contagion ”. The mayor of Florence said so Darius Nardella. “The mechanism – he added – empowers citizens and administrators to inform, communicate, control and manage the health system well: that is why I believe that the mechanism of scenarios and colors can be positive. Tuscany is a yellow zone: this does not mean that everything is fine, that you can lower your guard. We want to stay in the yellow zone, so we have to be good to continue behaving with discipline.

Tuscany Ordinance for the use of private beds

New ordinance of the President of the Region Eugenio Giani. In order to fully respond to coronavirus infection, each ASL will be able to contact private facilities and request that private beds and facilities be available to accommodate patients. The structures in question will be restored with the payment of fair compensation or through the stipulation of contracts. “The availability of additional beds in private structures – says President Eugenio Giani – will allow us to manage any eventual increase in hospitalizations. Therefore, it will be an important support in this delicate phase and also a tangible sign of the involvement of the entire regional system in dealing with the emergency. “

The balance of the outbreak in RSA Villa Magli increases: 8 dead

According to the municipality there 8 deadwhile a total of 29 guests from 45 seniors assisted at the facility had been positive so far. Faced with the new data, the mayor of Calenzano Riccardo Prestini wrote a letter to the president of the Tuscany Region Eugenio Giani and to the health councilor Simone Bezzini “to request clarification on the health management of Covid-19 cases in the RSA.” ARTICLE

Quick swabs even by GPs. Signed agreement

too family doctors will be able to perform quick swabs antigenic to your clients, in the office or at home, and voluntarily in ducts or in micro-ocular contexts. Are the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding signed today, November 5, by the health minister, Simone Bezzini, and by Alessio Nastruzzi, general secretary of the Italian Federation of Family Physicians (Fimmg), in the presence of the President of Tuscany, Eugenio Giani. ARTICLE

Viareggio Carnival 2021, the float will also parade at Covid. ‘Tell the battle against the virus’

It will be called “Esci da questo corpo” and its realization began in the last weeks inside the carnival citadel. ARTICLE

The commissioner “Contagi, take a jump”

“The evolution of contagion is quite strong, this morning’s data say that in Tuscany there were 2,300 new cases. There was a leap forward compared to yesterday. The contagion is changing and we must not sit on the laurels of the yellow band, rather we must keep our attention even higher. I hope that the measures decided by the government can round the bend“. This was stated by the regional health counselor, Simone bezzini, speaking at the forum of the Health System of Florence. With the executive, he adds, in the new Dpcm there was “a constructive dialogue, sometimes there are also different points of view but I think it was important to reach a decision. I think that identifying the groups is an element of accountability of the institutions but also communities of citizens“.

“Insufficient aid to taxis and NCC”

“The entrance, in Refreshments Decree, of the Taxi and NCC categories is undoubtedly an important result, but we cannot stop denouncing the disparity of treatment in the allocation of quotations, with other economic categories, since some have been recognized in double or triple figures, with respect to the amounts (between 1000 and 2000 euros) recognized to Taxi and Ncc ”. This is how CNA-FITA Toscana expresses it with respect to the Soft Drinks Decree launched by the Government, hoping that taxis and Ncc can receive structural and no longer occasional aid that will allow them to overcome this crisis. . ”The Ristori Decree – we read again – is certainly an important first step, but it cannot be a point of arrival. Different chapter for bus companies, excluded from these contributions. They have settled in Tuscany important economic resources to increase the LPT, but now with the schools that will start distance education, the closures of activities at 18 and other containment measures, aimed at preventing people from moving, a total blockade of the sector is expected. “In Tuscany, in the Post blockade, private companies made more than 200 vehicles available to increase the LPT and guarantee service. 200 vehicles means more than 200 jobs – explains Riccardo bolelli, national and regional spokesperson for NCC-Bus -, and in this situation we run the risk of losing them all. Our companies have much higher operating costs than other businesses and if we have to stop again we will not be in a position to restart. We are not asking for contributions, we are clamoring to be able to work ”.

New Dpcm, what to do and what not

Questions and answers about the measures put in place by the government HERE THE ARTICLE

Nardella: “This is not the time to lower your guard”

The mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella, in a full interview about Covid. “The rules are also in the yellow regions like ours” HERE THE ARTICLE

“My odyssey of positive outside the region. And the Immuni application …”

The story of Giulia of Lucca, a “prisoner” in Rome. Your video is circulating the web HERE THE ARTICLE

The hospitalized infectious disease specialist: “Now I am cured. And to the deniers I say …”

Mario Toti, uno of the maximums Italian experts in infectious and tropical diseases so much so that Simet also presided, as well as captain plurivitory of Drago and manager of the much loved Contrada in Siena, speaks with knowledge of the facts of Covid 19 because he has lived it on his own skin. In fact, a few days ago he was released from the Misericordia hospital in Grosseto where he was admitted. HERE THE ARTICLE

Grosseto, eight out of ten positive players on the hockey team

The unenviable record of Cp Grosseto. HERE THE ARTICLE

Between Dpcm and colored regions: our journey to the border between Liguria and Tuscany

In that strip of Liguria where it is easier to go to Tuscany than anywhere else. Where you live with bated breath for fear that the borders will close again. HERE THE ARTICLE

Florence, another 61 beds activated for Covid patients with acute symptoms

After an inspection of Villa Ulivella ei Glicini, the Mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella, announces the activation of another 61 beds for Covid patients with acute symptoms. READ THE ARTICLE

Prato, hospital with 500 places in the old Creaf. It will be ready in a month

In fact, it will be a new hospital. Five hundred seats spread over some 5 thousand square meters of the former Creaf, the building in via Galcianese owned by the Region intended to be an incubator for new businesses and which will now be used by the company to support the hospitals of Prato, Florence and Pistoia . where ordinary Covid departments are almost full. READ THE ARTICLE – VIDEO: OUR JOURNEY IN THE STRUCTURE

The trend of the curve in Tuscany

Intensive care trend as a percentage of active cases

The graph shown above indicates the trend of intensive care in Tuscany since the start of the pandemic: it is clear that in March (the left side of the curve) there were 16% of patients admitted to intensive care of the total active positive cases, now around 0.6%.
