Covid Tuscany, less positive (1,708) and many recovered but increases in intensive care


Florence, October 28, 2020 – After the boom on Monday, with more than 2,100 new positives, for the second day in a row the number has dropped: in the last 24 hours 1,708 the new ones contagion of Coronavirus (1,489 identified in the course of tracking and 219 from detection activities) recorded in Tuscany of a total of 36,992 cases registered since the beginning of the epidemic. New cases are 4.8% more than the total of the previous day. L ‘middle age of the 1,708 cases today is 48 years approximately (12% are under 20 years old, 25% between 20 and 39, 35% between 40 and 59, 18% between 60 and 79, 10% are 80 years or older).

2.9% cured growth and they reach 13,335 (36% of all cases). THE tampons accomplished reached 1,041,270, 13,811 more than yesterday. 8,156 subjects evaluated (excluding control swabs), of which 20.9% were positive. To these are added the 1,250 rapid antigenic swabs that are currently being made. The current positives are 22,360 today, + 6.3% compared to yesterday. The prisoners are 987 (64 more than yesterday), including 130 in intensive care (11 more).

Today seven new ones are registered deceased: four men and three women with an average age of 82.3 years. In relation to the province of residence, the deceased are in Florence, Prato, Pistoia, Pisa (two), Livorno, Arezzo.

The case map

The following are the cases of positivity in the area With yesterday’s change There are a total of 11,104 cases to date Florence (626 more than yesterday), 2,844 a Meadow (227 more), 2,781 a Pistoia (181 more), 2,462 years Massa Carrara (67 more), 3,835 a Lucca (142 more), 4,739 a Pisa (175 more), 2,481 a Livorno (114 more), 3370 ad Arezzo (95 more), 1,710 BC Siena (43 more), 1,116 a Grosseto (38 more). There are 550 positive cases reported in Tuscany, but residing in other regions. Therefore, there are 1,034 cases found today in the Central Local Health Authority, 498 in the Northwest, 176 in the Southeast.

Tuscany ranks ninth in Italy in terms of the number of cases (including residents and non-residents), with around 992 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (the Italian average is 936 x 100,000, yesterday’s figure). The notification provinces with the highest rate are Massa Carrara with 1,263 cases x 100,000 inhabitants, Pisa with 1,131, Prato with 1,104, and Grosseto with 504.

The trend of the epidemic curve in Tuscany

The new positive aspects of Covid in Tuscany

Coronavirus Tuscany, the newsletter for October 27

The trend of intensive care

The above graph indicates the trend of intensive care in Tuscany (in red, gray indicates Italy) since the beginning of the pandemic: it is clear that in March (the left side of the curve) it reached 16% of admitted to intensive care of the total number of active positive cases, are now about 0.6%.

Total admissions to intensive care

The data: the percentage of Covid-19 positives out of the total swabs (excluding control ones)

Covid Toscana, all updates in real time

People in isolation and hospitalized: intensive care increases

In general, 21,373 people are in isolation at home, due to presenting mild symptoms, which do not require hospital treatment or are asymptomatic (1,256 more than yesterday, plus 6.2%). am 25,755 (1,556 more than yesterday, plus 6.4%) people, also isolated, in active surveillance, because they have had contact with infected people (Asl Centro 10,411, Northwest 9,385, Southeast 5,959).

People hospitalized in beds dedicated to patients with Covid-19 there are currently a total of 987 (64 more than yesterday, plus 6.9%), 130 in therapy intensive (11 more than yesterday, 9.2% more).

Boom of healed, +381 more

the people in general heal there are 13,335 (381 more than yesterday, plus 2.9%): 574 people clinically cured (25 more than yesterday, plus 4.6%), that is, they were asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection and 12,761 (356 more than yesterday, plus 2, 9%) declared cured in all aspects, the so-called viral cures, with double negative buffer.

There are 1,297 i passed away since the beginning of the epidemic divided as follows: 469 in Florence, 63 in Prato, 92 in Pistoia, 191 in Massa Carrara, 153 in Lucca, 115 in Pisa, 77 in Livorno, 62 in Arezzo, 35 in Siena, 26 in Grosseto, 14 people died on Tuscan soil, but they were residents outside the region.

Tuscany’s crude death rate (number of deaths / resident population) for Covid-19 is 34.8 x 100,000 residents versus 62.5 x 100,000 for the Italian average (11th region). Regarding the provinces, the highest mortality rate is found in Massa Carrara (98.0 x100,000), Florence (46.4 x100,000) and Lucca (39.4 x100,000), the lowest in Grosseto (11.7 x 100,000).

