Covid Tuscany, from today the orange zone is activated. Yesterday the sad record of deaths / LIVE


Florence, November 11, 2020 – A negative day, yesterday, for the COVID-19 in Tuscany. Unfortunately, Tuesday was the day of the sad record of deaths in one day, up to 54. It was from April 10 that the threshold of 46 was not exceeded.

Meanwhile, from today Tuscany is orange zone. Among the new rules: You cannot leave your municipality without justified reason (and in this case self-certification is required), bars and restaurants closed (only take away food is allowed until 10 p.m.), non-food shopping centers closed on holidays and the eve of holidays, distance teaching for superiors and universities: these are the main rules. Questions and answers about the orange zone.

Coronavirus bulletin November 10, all data. On Monday, November 9, 2,244 new cases were registered

You are Covid: ask your question to the Nazione, we will publish the answers

Prato, three other priests are positive

Mezzana Pastor and Assistant Pastor and Donald Duck Pastor Covid Positive This expands the list of priests who have contracted the coronavirus in the Diocese of Prato. HERE THE ARTICLE

Pistoia, the Covid seats are almost finished

Only one place in intensive care and eight in Covid hospitalization, these are the beds left this morning at the San Jacopo hospital in Pistoia after the activation of all the available ones. HERE THE ARTICLE

450 nurses and 170 doctors needed immediately

With the increase in beds, the need for health personnel grows. Governor Giani’s order to simplify procedures

Relationship between swabs and positive covid, the table / The primary: “There are no beds

Covid Toscana, reread Sunday’s live broadcast

Positive cases admitted to intensive care

The trend of the epidemic curve in Tuscany

Giani signed the Creaf ordinance

The ordinance was signed today by Eugenio Giani: they called it the Creaf ordinance, after the name of the structure in via Galcianese in Prato. which, from an empty box, should turn into a 500-seat COvid hospital in a month. The same ordinance also allows the creation of 50 new places in the Prato hospital, therefore a total of 550 Covid places in a central position in the Florence-Prato-Pistoia metropolitan area. HERE THE ARTICLE

Hotels are sought for health personnel

ASL Toscana Centro seeks hotel facilities to house busy health personnel in the Covid-19 emergency. A monthly updated list of health hotels will be established. The call for expressions of interest is open to acquire availability and establish a list of Hotel amenities It will be available to healthcare personnel operating in Covid environments in compliance with the order of the president of the regional council No. 96 of last October 24. No deadline to send requests, the list is open and updates will be posted on the website of the healthcare company.
