Florence, December 17, 2020 – New cases of coronavirus increase in Tuscany (636 vs 489 the day before) but hospitalization goes down and relaxes the pressure in hospitals. The numbers aren’t bad, but obviously you need to pay close attention anyway. because the virus it’s still burning and it’s soon to Riesplodere. This in summary says the covid bulletin in Tuscany Thursday December 17th.
Tuscany yellow zone, it’s official
Bulletin in which there is a very high number of deaths, 63 are those registered in the last 24 hours. Therefore, in general, there is still great attention from the authorities on how the situation will evolve.
Covid vaccine, who can do it: the guide
The case map
The following are the cases of positivity in the area With yesterday’s change There are 31,869 cases in total to date Florence (183 more than yesterday), 9,986 in Prato (41 more), 10,098 in Pistoia (36 more), 7,336 a Pulp (36 more), 11,692 a Lucca (80 plus), 15,955 a Pisa (101 more), 8,011 BC Livorno (74 more), 10,172 ad Arezzo (56 more), 4,615 a Siena (15 more), 3,957 a Grosseto (14 more). 555 positive cases were reported in Tuscany, but residing in other regions. There are 274 cases found today in the ASL Center, 278 in the Northwest, 85 in the Southeast.
Covid Toscana, live broadcast today
High number of deaths
Today there are 63 new deaths: 27 men and 36 women with an average age of 81.3 years. Regarding the province of residence, the deceased are: 17 a Florence, 2 a Meadow, 3 a Pistoia, 10 a Massa Carrara, 10 a Lucca, 5 a Pisa, 7 a Livorno, 1 a Arezzo, 3 a Grosseto, 5 residents outside of Tuscany.
The shelters go down
People admitted to beds dedicated to Covid patients are currently a total of 1,261 (42 less than yesterday, less 3.2%), 199 in intensive care (3 less than yesterday, less 1.5%).
The amount of tampons
me swabs performed reached 1,757,598, 11,545 more than yesterday, of which 5.5% positive. Instead, 4,188 subjects tested today (excluding control swabs), of which 15.2% were positive. To these are added the 5,204 rapid antigenic swabs made today.
Another 1,300 healed
96,638 people recovered (1,348 more than yesterday, plus 1.4%): 393 clinically healed people (43 less than yesterday, less 9.9%), that is, they became asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection and 96,245 (1,391 more than yesterday, more 1.5%) declared themselves fully cured, the so-called viral cures , with negative swab.
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