Covid Tuscany, 517 new cases yesterday. Waiting for today’s data / LIVE – Chronicle


Florence, October 12, 2020 – After i 517 more cases in 24 hours registered yesterday (Sunday October 11) there waiting for today’s data, October 12, waiting for a recession.

According to the update of Sunday October 11,north Tuscany there are 18,160 cases of positivity in Coronavirus. New cases are 2.9% more than the total of the previous day. THE healed grew 0.1% and reached 10,844 (59.7% of all cases). me tampons The executed reached 839,508, 11,394 more than on Saturday. 8,150 subjects tested (excluding control swabs), of which 6.3% were positive. The positives are currently 6,142, + 8.9% compared to Saturday. THE hospitalized there are 217 (27 more than on Saturday), of which 31 in intensive care (one more). Unfortunately, it was registered yesterday a new death: a 76-year-old woman.

TAMPONI REGISTRATION (here the article)

Average age of the 517 cases yesterday, he is about 44 years old (16% are under 20 years old, 30% between 20 and 39, 30% between 40 and 59, 15% between 60 and 79, 9% are 80 or older).

The case map

Here are the cases of positivity in the area with the variation compared to Saturday 10. There are a total of 5,136 cases at Florence (138 more than yesterday), 1,224 a Meadow (47 more), 1250 BC Pistoia (47 more), 1,641 BC. C. Pulp (16 more), 2,194 a Lucca (53 more), 2,218 a Pisa (82 plus), 915 a Livorno (23 more), 1,540 ad Arezzo (78 plus), 815 a Siena (24 plus), 677 a Grosseto (9 more). There are 550 positive cases reported in Tuscany, but residing in other regions.

Therefore, there are 232 cases found today in the ASL Center, 174 in the Northwest, 111 in the Southeast.

Tuscany is confirmed in tenth place in Italy in terms of the number of cases (including residents and non-residents), with around 487 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (the Italian average is 579 x 100,000, yesterday’s figure). The notification provinces with the highest rate are Massa Carrara with 842 cases x 100,000 inhabitants, Lucca with 566, Pisa with 529, Livorno the lowest with 273.

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The progression of the infection.

The day-to-day trend of new positives (in parentheses the number of swabs performed and the percentage of positives found in that number of swabs)

  • October 11th 517 (11,394; 4.5%)
  • October 10th 548 (11,237; 4.8%)
  • October 9 483 (10.781; 4.4%)
  • October 8th 339 (9050; 3.7%)
  • October 7 300 (10,014; 3.00%)
  • 6th of october 209 (6.965, 3.00%)
  • October 5th: 185 (5,314; 3.5%)
  • 4th of October:188 (8,305; 2.2%)
  • October 3: 197 (8,839; 2.2%)
  • October 2nd: 223 (8,873; 2.5%)
  • October 1st: 144 (8,253; 1.7%)
  • September 30th: 120 (7.703; 1.5%)
  • September 29th: 56 (4,731; 1.2%)
  • September 28: 85 (4,396; 1.9%)
  • September 27th: 101 (7.541, 1.3%)
  • September 26: 110 (6,953, 1.6%)
  • September 25th: 139 (7,245; 1.9%)
  • 24th September: 156 (7,710; 2%)
  • September 23: 90 (7.502; 1.2%)
  • September 22: 74 (5,632; 1.3%)
  • September 21st: 84 (4,138; 2%)
  • September 20: 147 (8,036; 1.8%)

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