As reported by the Corriere della Sera, the government’s decision to launch new restrictions after Epiphany (The Christmas Decree will expire at midnight on January 6, ed.) has come to the end of a long day of meetings and reunions.

Risk areas – The fear of the worsening of the epidemiological curve and the Rt index in several Regions has led the executive to reevaluate the parameters for defining risk areas, on which the travel ban and the closure of bars, restaurants and public places.
The white zone – The introduction of a “white zone” (or “green”) from January 15 is intended to allow the resumption of restaurants, bars, cinemas, theaters, museums, gyms and swimming pools in some areas of Italy. If the proposal materializes, it will be formalized in the new Dpcm or in a decree law close to that date. Franceschini’s proposal was also immediately supported by Minister Alfonso Bonafede and will be evaluated by the CTS. Therefore, the white zone would include the Regions, bands or areas with the best indicators. Without prejudice to the basic rules of containment, such as the mandatory mask, spacing and the prohibition of meetings, bars and restaurants would operate without time limit, as well as swimming pools and gyms.
The question of parameters and what can be done. – Second The Republic, the fundamental prerequisite to enter the white zone appears to be not registering more than 50 cases of coronavirus per 100,000 inhabitants. Once this parameter is met, there should be no curfew from 10pm to 5am, there should be no restrictions on the opening and service of public places and gyms and swimming pools must reopen, with rules and limitations similar to those introduced during the first lockdown. a protocol to be drawn up between the operators and the Ministry of Health and Sports. The same goes for museums, exhibitions, theaters, cinemas and concert halls.