
Prime Minister Conte, in line with what was decided in France, opens the quarantine for 14 to 7 days: “If we reduced it, the social and economic costs would be reduced.” But there is another government measure to limit the advance of the epidemic. “By November, 200,000 swabs will be made a day,” explains the commissioner for the coronavirus emergency, Domenico Arcuri. The other day he met with the CTS (technical-scientific committee) and illustrated the new plan to increase the capacity to test people in Italy, starting with the schools where, more often, quick swabs will be used.
Here, precisely this tool, the effectiveness of which has been demonstrated by the Spallanzani Institute, is used with excellent results in arrivals at Fiumicino airport and represents the turning point in the search for positives. It is called antigen buffer, it allows you to have the result in 20-30 minutes. Well, Arcuri has activated a public offer to buy as much as possible, “a few million.”
Today Italy imposes tampons on those arriving from Spain, Greece, Croatia and Malta. But in a few days this obligation will also extend to France, which in the last fourteen days has an incidence of 125.5 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (yesterday the Prime Minister also infected), in Europe only Spain has it higher (255 , 9). The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, is working to convince the main European countries of a reciprocity agreement, but while waiting for this negotiation to take place, we will soon start with buffers for those arriving from France.
For a plan of this type, traditional swabs cause long waits and therefore, as a result of what has been done for Spain, Croatia, Greece and Malta, the quick swab will be used in a state-of-the-art airport in passenger control, Fiumicino. Not only that: it will also be a decisive weapon in schools. We already know that every time a positive is found in class, all teachers and classmates will be evaluated. But when molecular is used, with necessarily longer times, there is a risk of paralyzing school activity. For this reason, rapid tests will be used more and more.
Another piece: Minister Lucía Azzolina confirmed that during the year sample serological tests will be carried out in the classes, the same ones that are used these days with teachers (the percentage of adherence is now 40 percent, it is expected to reach 70). The Arcuri plan, however, also calls for the use of quick swabs for random checks in schools: they are more reliable because they take a picture of the infection at that time, while the serological only examines whether antibodies have developed.
Bottom line: purchase of “a few million” rapid swabs for airport and school screening and duplication of traditional molecular swabs in traditional screening activities. In recent weeks, Italy travels with about 100,000 tampons a day (yesterday 92,000). How do we get to 200,000 at the end of November? Arcuri: «We have already made an offer of 100,000 tests per day available to the regions, but we are acquiring a much larger number. And the same goes for reagents. In addition, we are buying pooling machinery, the goal is to have 1 for every 2 million inhabitants, therefore about thirty “. These devices speed up swab examination: laboratories typically review samples one at a time, with this instrument covering a much larger number at a time.
Last update: 10:22