Covid Toscana, Giani: “We would already be in the yellow zone” – Chronicle


Eugenio Giani
Eugenio Giani

Florence, December 8, 2020 – “If the data is read, we are yellow zone compared to the data on infections and indicators such as RT, which is considered, since we are below 1%. When will we become the yellow zone? The Dpcm sets the evaluation by the Technical Committee, if I say a date, certainly impact on susceptibility. Better not do it with anyone, I hope as soon as possible… ”.

The president of the Tuscany Region said this to the microphones of ‘Mattino 5’ in Canale 5, Eugenio Giani.

“We are working hard – continued Giani – For example today I inaugurate perhaps the first hospital in Italy after Covid: I call it the Covid Pegaso center in Meadow, there are 191 places dedicated to Covid malts, and we did it with one of the first ordinances that I signed since I assumed the presidency of the Region. In some way our municipalities are organizing themselves ”.
