Covid Toscana, Giani: “I hope in just one week orange, then in the yellow band”


The President of Tuscany, Eugenio Giani (New press photo)
The President of Tuscany, Eugenio Giani (New press photo)

Florence, November 30, 2020 – Stay only a week In the area orange and then enter immediately yellow band, without waiting for the 14 canonical days provided by the current Dpcm: it is the wish of the President of the Tuscany Region, Eugenio Giani, which is confident in the next Dpcm that will replace the current one that expires on December 3 and that, the governor hopes, could introduce the possibility of ‘speeding up the time established for the transition between colors.

“Tomorrow (December 1 ed) A meeting of the Presidents of the Region with the Minister Boccia – Giani explained, speaking today at the Regional Council – which will report on what the Government intends to do as of December 4 ». According to Giani, the new decree “could offer this opening, that is to say that the logic of the decree currently in force is not followed, but rather is annulled.” So, he added, “if a new Dpcm is born, I think we can overcome the logic that forces us to stay 14 days in the orange zone before returning to the yellow zone.” For Giani, therefore, “we have to start from the situation in which the Cts classified us, therefore a seventh orange, but then I think that the following week we must go to the yellow zone. We are a 893 contagionIt had not happened in 40 days, this makes me think that instead of staying 14 days in the orange zone, we can enter the yellow zone. But this – Giani concluded – depends on what the decree provides ”.
