Rome, December 17, 2020 – New bulletin about him Covid in Italy: updates from the Regions and the Ministry of Health on infections of Coronavirus, currently positive, dead, recovered, hospitalizations and intensive care. The numbers of the Veneto. “The data for this week – declares Nino Cartabellotta, president of Gimbe Foundation – confirm the slowdown in infection, documented by the reduction in the percentage increase in total cases (6.4% compared to 8.4% at the national level, also registered in all Regions) and by the number of new weekly cases ( – 17.1%). However, the net reduction of more than 88,000 cases analyzed (-16.1%) and the stable positive / cases analyzed ratio end up overestimating the effects of mitigation measures. “Meanwhile, the Christmas crackdown is getting closer and closer. ‘waiting new decree. On the foreign front: Macron positive, the leaders who knew him in isolation. In the United States, double record: 250 thousand cases and 3,700 deaths in 24 hours.
The December 17 newsletter
Updated data and Pdf table will be published here as soon as available
The Regions / Veneto
“The positives for the coronavirus in Veneto in the last 24 hours are 4,402 of 58 thousand tampons executed equal to 7.52%. The positives since the beginning of the health emergency are 205,009, the current 95,779, 3,331 total hospitalized, 378 intensive care (+6) “. This is the bulletin illustrated by the president of Veneto, Luca Zaia during the press point on Protection Civil in Marghera. The dead are 92. “Closure of municipal limits after December 14, 19 and until January 6”: this is the ordinance that Zaia will adopt, pending the arrival of the government measure.
I am 1,073 new cases of Covid registered in Puglia, compared to the 10,728 infection tests carried out. The cases are divided as follows: 523 in the province of Bari, 59 in the province of Brindisi, 115 in Bat, 90 in the province of Foggia, 160 Lecce, 135 Taranto, 2 residents outside the region. 11 cases from unknown province have been attributed and reclassified. Have been registered 43 deaths: 12 in the province of Bari, 9 in Bat, 1 in the province of Brindisi, 14 Foggia, 3 Lecce, 4 Taranto.
In Tuscany I am 636 positives more than yesterday, of a total, since the beginning of the epidemic, equal to 114,246 units. New cases are 0.6% more than the total of the previous day. The average age of 636 cases today is about 45 years. THE tampons executed reached 1,757,598, 11,545 more than yesterday, of which 5.5% positive. I am instead 4,188 subjects tested today (excluding control swabs), of which 15.2% were positive. To these are added the 5,204 rapid antigenic swabs made today. The current positives are 14,260 today, -5.2% compared to yesterday. There are 1,261 hospitalized (42 less than yesterday), of which 199 in intensive care (3 less). Today there are 63 new deaths.
Tuscany yellow zone, it’s official: RT collapsed to 0.68, Cts data
The Health Service of the Region Market announced that 4,824 swabs have been tested in the last 24 hours: 3,279 in the new diagnostic pathway (of which 1,449 in screening with the antigenic pathway) and 1,545 in the cured pathway. The positives are 467 on the new diagnostic route (114 in the province of Macerata, 109 in the province of Ancona, 146 in the province of Pesaro-Urbino, 60 in the province of Fermo, 28 in the province of Ascoli Piceno and 10 outside the region). These cases include 66 symptomatic subjects.
South tyrol
In South tyrol in the last 24 hours they have been 328 new cases of Covid-19. There were 5 deaths for a total of 673 since the beginning of the pandemic. The utility separates the data: 287 cases arose from the analysis of 1,986 PCR swabs and 41 of the 1,365 tests carried out yesterday. The slight decrease in hospitalizations continues. Currently 190 Covid patients are hospitalized in normal hospital wards (13 less than yesterday) and 22 in intensive care (stable data). There are 146 infected patients hospitalized in private structures with agreements. The number of people in home isolation amounts to more than 6,000 (6,180).
Compared to yesterday in Abruzzo, there are 246 more new cases. The dead are 18 and the balance amounts to 1,102. The number of positive cases also includes 18,347 discharged / cured (+787 compared to yesterday). The positives currently in Abruzzo (calculated by subtracting the number of discharged / recovered and deceased from the total positives) are 13,425 (-561 compared to yesterday).
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