Covid, today’s coronavirus bulletin numbers: Italy and regions – Chronicle


Rome, January 17, 2021 – Bulletin about him Coronavirus in Italy, with data from the Regions and Ministry of Health: updates on Covidien contagion, total cases, currently positive, deaths, recovered, hospitalizations and intensive care. Today urgent meeting of the CTS for an evaluation on the reopening of secondary schools. Minister Speranza summoned the technicians to comment on the return to classes of high school students (50%) and on a possible postponement of face-to-face teaching. And the red zone has occurred in Lombardy, Sicily and Bolzano, while many regions of Italy are in orange. Among the news of the last hours is also the authorization to move to second homes in another Region.

Red, orange and yellow zone. Rules and what you can do: FAQ and self-certification

the anti Covid vaccination campaign, despite supply delays by Pfizer and BioNTech. The two companies have announced a plan to reduce the delay in deliveries to one week. The new dispatch has been reduced by approximately 165,000 doses, announced the office of the Extraordinary Commissioner for the Arcuri emergency, underlining that it was a “unilateral” decision. Speranza blocks flights leaving from Brazil until the end of the month and prohibits the entry to Italy of those who have passed through the South American country in the last 14 days.

The January 17 newsletter

Updated data and PDF table will be published here as soon as available

The regions / Emilia-Romagna

In more than 14,700 swabs performed in Emilia romagna They emerged 1,437 new positives, of which 690 asymptomatic due to regional detection and contact tracing activities; 1,844 cases recovered, active decreased. 95% of active cases are isolated at home, without symptoms or with mild symptoms. The mean age of the new positives is 46.8 years; 41 deaths.


The decline in the contagion curve continues at Veneto, which records 1,369 new positives in the last 24 hours and 46 deaths. The total number of infected since the beginning of the epidemic amounts to 298,172 and the number of victims 7,978. The number of current positives is also decreasing: they are 70,640 (-1,731). The pressure on hospitals drops slightly. In non-critical areas, 2,715 Covid patients (-18) are hospitalized, 354 (-3) in intensive care.


Today in Puglia they have registered 908 positive cases: 411 in the province of Bari, 42 in the province of Brindisi, 98 in the province BAT, 193 in the province of Foggia, 100 in the province of Lecce, 65 in the province of Taranto. They were also registered 25 deaths: 5 in the province of Bari, 3 in the province of BAT, 3 in the province of Brindisi, 9 in the province of Foggia, 4 in the province of Taranto, 1 resident outside the region.


At Market have been identified 440 cases, 23.4% compared to 1,879 swabs processed on the way for new diagnoses; the day before, the positives had been 467, 29% of the 1,611 tests carried out. The total positives since the start of the pandemic crisis has risen to 50,111. The new positives were identified 93 in the province of Macerata, 117 in the province of Ancona, 124 in that of Pesaro-Urbino, 43 in Fermano, 52 in Piceno and 11 outside the region. These cases include 50 symptomatic subjects.


New positive cases registered in Tuscany I am 406 of 9,379 molecular swabs and 3,164 rapid tests. This was announced by the governor of Tuscany, Eugenio Giani, in his regular post on Facebook about the progress of the pandemic. Unfortunately they register 15 other deaths – 7 men and 8 women with an average age of 87.7 years – which caused 3,972 deaths since the beginning of the epidemic. 9,379 molecular smears and 3,164 rapid antigenic smears were performed: 3.2% were positive. I am instead 4,825 subjects tested today (with antigenic and / or molecular swab, excluding control swabs), of which 8.4% were positive. Then there is a further decline in hospitalizations.: they are 816, 15 less than yesterday, of which 118 in intensive care (7 less). Those cured grew 0.7% and reached 115,676 (90.5% of all cases). The current positives are 8,204 today, -5% compared to yesterday.


In Sardinia they have been detected 384 contagion. Are also recorded five deaths (903 in total). In total, 527,564 swabs were performed with an increase of 3,119 tests. On the other hand, 507 patients are currently hospitalized in non-intensive wards (+7 compared to yesterday’s figure), while 48 (-1) patients are in intensive care.

Friuli Venezia Giulia

In Friuli Venezia Giulia of 4,109 molecular swabs were detected 313 new infections with a positive percentage of 7.62%. 782 rapid antigenic tests have also been performed, of which 72 cases (9.21%) were detected. There are 22 deaths recorded: both admissions to intensive care units (63) and other departments (677) are declining.


Today in Abruzzo 285 new positives of 3,636 molecular swabs, 8 died, 26,438 recovered (+11), 11,552 currently positive (+266), 443 hospitalized in the medical area (unchanged), 38 hospitalized in intensive care (-3).


The image of the daily data related to the Covid pandemic in Umbria. On the last day they were determined 153 new positives, 32,303, 146 recovered, 27,004, and four dead, 693. The current positives are 4,606, three more than yesterday. On the last day 2,779 swabs were analyzed, 548,822, with a positive rate of 5.5%, yesterday 7.5%. There are 329 hospitalized patients, two more, 49 of whom (unchanged) in intensive care.
