Covid today Marche, coronavirus contagion bulletin November 28. Data and news


Ancona, November 28, 2020 – While Marches prepare to return to the yellow zone in 7 days comes the usual bulletin infections of Coronavirus of the region: the new positives are 473 new diagnostics on the way (yesterday 490), in which they were analyzed 1610 swabs. The percentage of infected people in the tests is today 29.3%, more than yesterday when it was 25%.

Here the distribution of new cases by province: 143 in the province of Macerata, 119 in the province of Ancona, 65 in the province of Pesaro-Urbino, 51 in the province of Stop, 68 in the province of Ascoli piceno and 27 from outside the region).

In the last 24 hours, the Marche Region Health Service also analyzed 1,371 swabs cured during the course, for a total of 2,971 tests.

These cases include subjects symptomatic (57 cases detected), contacts at home (111 cases detected), close contacts of positive cases (148 cases detected), contacts in the work environment (29 cases detected), contacts in living / social environments (3 cases detected) , contacts in the healthcare field (4 cases detected), contacts with the involvement of students of all educational levels (20 cases detected), screening of healthcare channels (12 cases detected). For another 89 cases, epidemiological investigations are still underway.

Covid Marche: the deaths of November 27

am twelve victims who signed up yesterday in Market. All with previous pathologies. Three deaths occurred in the Macerata hospital (one 86-year-old from Treia, one 81-year-old from Pollenza, and one 84-year-old from Potenza Picena), three in the Ark of Ancona (one 87-year-old from Falconara Marittima, one 90 years of Ancona and one of 91 years of Ancona) and two in the hospital of San Benedetto del Tronto (89 years of Cupra Marittima and 86 of Offida). He died an 85 year old from Morrovalle in Civitanova Marche, an 85 year old from Montefortino in Ascoli Piceno, a 73 year old from Apecchio in Pesaro Marche Nord and an 89 year old from San Severino Marche in Camerino.

Since the beginning of the emergency, the victims amounted to 1,242: 722 men and 520 women with an average age of 81 years, who in 95% of the cases had previous pathologies. The most affected province continues to be Pesaro Urbino with 554 deaths, followed by Ancona with 276, Macerata 216, Fermo 96 and Ascoli Piceno 90. There are 10 victims from outside the region.

Update on deaths is expected after 6pm

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