Covid today Marche, coronavirus bulletin November 14. Live Data – Chronicle


Ancona, November 14, 2020 – The number of newcomers is growing, but not by much Covidien contagion in Market. the Today’s Bulletin November 14, reports the data of 779 positives found in the last 24 hours (yesterday there were 740 new cases of Coronavirus).

The Health Service of the Marche Region has announced that they have been tested in total 4275 swabs: 2375 on the way new diagnoses and 1900 on the way cured. The incidence of positivity in the processed swabs (2375 in the new diagnostic route) amounts to 32.8%, slightly lower. Yesterday was from 35.6% of 2073 swabs tested.

Orange marks for single parameter / VIDEO

The map of contagions province by province

Below is the distribution of positive cases province by province: 247 in the province of Macerata, 272 in the province of Ancona, 104 in the province of Pesaro-Urbino, 102 in the province of Stop, 54 in the province of Ascoli piceno and 0 from outside the region.

Orange zone: the rules and prohibitions

The causes of infection.

These cases include symptomatic subjects (114 cases detected), contacts in home environment (186 cases detected), close contacts of positive cases (262 cases detected), contacts in the work environment (15 cases detected), contacts in the life / social environment (23 cases detected), contacts in the healthcare environment (4 cases detected), contacts in the school environment / training (18 cases detected), screening of the sanitary route (3 cases detected) and 0 returns from abroad. For another 154 cases, epidemiological investigations are still underway.

According to yesterday’s coronavirus bulletinOn November 13, there were 740 more positives, with a further increase in hospitalizations: 23 more, or 633.

Covid, the other news of November 14

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Orange marks for a single parameter
