Covid today March 4, coronavirus contagion bulletin. Data from Italy and Emilia Romagna


Bologna, March 4, 2021 – Even if the curve is high contagion gives Coronavirus in Emilia Romagna. Here is all the data from the today’s newsletter.

The new cases in the region are 2,545 more (2,456 positives on March 3) compared to yesterday, detected in a total of 38,231 swabs performed in the last 24 hours. The percentage of new positives on the number of tampons manufactured since yesterday is 6.7% (yesterday 6%).

They decrease the dead emiliano romagnoli linked to Covid, today 25 while yesterday there were 40. The pressure on hospitals continues to grow: patients admitted to intensive care is 259 (+8 compared to yesterday), 2,600 those in other Covid departments (+75).

The province with the most contagion is still that of Bologna with 673 new cases, of which 111 inImolés. They follow Modena with 442; then Ravenna (249), Reggio emilia (246), Rimini (219), the territory of Cesena (208), Parma (169), Ferrara (152), the Forlì (126) and the province of Piacenza (61).

Since the beginning of the epidemic, in Emilia romagna they are counted 270,155 cases of positivity Alabama Coronavirus while and deceased climb to the altitude 10,675.

The Emiliano of Romagna healed from the SARS-CoV-2 I’m 1,070 more than yesterday and reach 211,352. THE active cases I’m 48,128 (+1,450 compared to yesterday), 94% of the total in isolation at home with mild symptoms.

Meanwhile, the region is among the 9 in Italy where the employment rate of intensive therapy is already above the 30% risk threshold, according to the daily Covid report of theAgents, updated yesterday: Umbria 59%, Province of Trento (52%), Molise (49%), Abruzzo (40%), Lombardy and Marche (36%), Friuli Venezia Giulia (35%), Bolzano and Emilia Romagna (33%).

Regarding ordinary hospitalizations, the risk threshold set at 40% and already exceeded by 6 Regions: Umbria (51%), Marche (48%), Molise and Abruzzo (43%), Lombardy (42%) and Emilia Romagna (41%).

Coronavirus Italy, data and table of the Regions

Even today in Italy the new contagion gives COVID-19 have exceeded 20 thousand: 22,865, in comparison with 20,884 from yesterday. THE I am dead today 339 vs. 347 yesterday.

Positive for coronavirus were detected in 339,635 molecular and antigenic swabs performed in the last 24 hours in Italy. Yesterday it was 358,884.
the positivity rate He was born in 6.7%, yesterday it was 5.8%

There are 2,475 patients in intensive care for Covid-19 in Italy, an increase 64 pcs in the daily balance between entries and exits. The daily admissions to intensive care were 232. In ordinary wards there are instead 20,157 people, an increase of 394 units compared to yesterday.

Data of the contagion regions in the MarchesCovid in VenetoCoronavirus in Tuscany


Covid dead in Emilia Romagna

Today’s bulletin records 25 new deaths in the region: 6 in the province of Forlì-Cesena (2 women of 87 and 93 years old and 4 men of 60, 80, 82 and 87 years old), 4 in the province of Ferrara (2 women of 75 and 91 years old and 2 men of 84 and 87 years old), 4 in the province of Modena (1 woman 90 years old and 3 men 66, 75 and 80 years old), 4 in the province of Rimini (1 woman of 99 years and 3 men of 83, 92 and 94 years), 3 in the province of Reggio emilia (3 men including one 84 years old and two 86 years old), 2 in the province of Bologna (1 99-year-old woman and a 72-year-old man), 1 in the province of Piacenza (a 93-year-old man) and 1 in the province of Parma (1 90-year-old woman). There are no deaths of residents in the province of Ravenna.

In all, there have been deaths in the region since the start of the epidemic. 10,675.

Where the most serious patients are hospitalized

Patients admitted to intensive care is 259 (+8 compared to yesterday): 9 a Piacenza (-1 compared to yesterday), 15 a Parma (+1), 22 a Reggio emilia (+2), 51 to Modena (-2), 72 a Bologna (+4), 24 to Imola (+1), 25 to Ferrara (+1), 8 to Ravenna (+1), 6 to Forlì (+1), 7th Cesena (no change) and 20 a Rimini (unchanged).

Instead they reach the altitude 2,600 the hospitalized in other Covid departments (+75).

After the transition to the dark orange zone last week of 14 municipalities between the province of Ravenna YImolés, and the subsequent passages of the Metropolitan City of Bologna and the territories of Rimini, Ravenna and Cesena, as of today there is a new color change in Emilia-Romagna.

In fact, theregional ordinance yesterday established that as of today, Thursday, March 4, the provinces of Bologna me Modena pass in the red zone, while Reggio emilia it is dark orange.

But that’s not all: with the Cts tracking of tomorrow, which will determine what will be the colors of the Italian regions As of Monday, all of Emilia-Romagna could be dyed red, thus forcing itself to emergency shutdown true.

In short, today I am the red zone Bologna me Modena; dark orange zone Reggio emilia, Rimini, Ravenna me Cesena, orange zone the territories of Forlì, Ferrara, Piacenza me Parma.

Covid, the other news of today

Colors Regions: who is risking the change

Sputnik vaccine: the EMA has started the evaluation

Covid vaccine: AstraZeneca, 7 out of 10 doses in the fridge. Defeat regions (especially in the north)

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