Rome, January 2, 2020 – It will be a bulletin interpret with caution that of Coronavirus in Italy January 2. THE Covid data today In fact, they may reflect a smaller number of tampons processed on New Years Day. In updating the Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Civil protection, distributed around 17, it will be necessary to check the trend of infections, slightly down yesterday, but with thepositivity index always increasing. First data from the regions show a slowdown in new cases in Emilia romagna, Veneto me Tuscany.
January 2 Newsletter
Here, as soon as they are published, we will report updates on the Covid epidemic in Italy.
Tabella Coronavirus in PDF
News from the regions / Veneto
Brake the Covid in Veneto, where 3,165 new cases of Coronavirus are still registered today (4,805 yesterday). 46 deaths were reported in the last 24 hours, 6,675 since the start of the pandemic. The situation in hospital wards is stagnant, with 2,992 hospitalized in non-critical areas, 7 more than yesterday, while intensive care units drop one unit to 400.
contagion also down in Tuscany, where the new cases are 498 (yesterday 589). 5,083 more swabs have been made than yesterday, of which 9.8% are positive. On the other hand, 1,963 subjects were analyzed today (excluding control swabs), of which 25.4% were positive. To these are added the 568 rapid antigenic swabs that are carried out today. The current positives are 10,021 today, + 1.9% compared to yesterday. The hospitalized are 964 (11 more than yesterday), of which 139 in intensive care (4 less). Are registered today unfortunately 20 new deaths: 12 men and 8 women with an average age of 82.6 years.
Emilia romagna
The number of new infected in Emilia-Romagna remains high: 2,035 cases (yesterday 2,629) in the last 24 hours with almost 5,300 swabs and a 38.5% positive rate (but on vacation there are much less tampons). The Region specifies that “it is a small sample, very specific and linked above all to cases in which the smear is strictly essential.” In the last 24 hours are 38 people died in the region, while there are 229 patients in intensive care (two less than yesterday) and 2,649 in the other Covid departments (six more). The average age of new positives today is 46 years.
There are 285 new infected in the Marks in the last 24 hours (yesterday 693), compared to 2,091 swabs processed: 1,420 new diagnoses in the route (of which 725 in the screening with antigenic route) and 671 in the route cured (with a positive / proven ratio of 20, 1%) . On the other hand, the positive relationship on the total of swabs is equal to 9%.
Councilor Alessio D’Amato makes the image: today in almost 10 thousand swabs in Lazio (-4,794) are registered 1,275 almost positive (-638), 24 deaths (+1) and +1,164 are healed. Cases are declining while deaths, hospitalizations and intensive care increase. The ratio of positives to swabs is 13%. The cases in the city of Rome drop to 700. Today’s cases are 152 more compared to the cases of last Saturday. ”
THE OTHER – In Basilicata 198 new cases of 1,158 swabs were registered. There are 156 infections in South tyrol detected in 1,266 swabs. The Autonomous Province of Bolzano reports another 4 deaths in the last 24 hours.
Last News
The campaign for the anti-Covid vaccine in Italy continues slowly. There are more than 45,000 people subjected to serum in our country (only 332 vaccinated in France). Get the drug injected Pfizer Today also the virologist Andrea Crisanti who shared the moment live on Facebook. Meanwhile, the date on which Italy should leave the red zone is approaching (excluding January 4, the only orange day). But what happens from January 7? The bands and colors will return, and most regions are looking forward to a return to the yellow zone. However, there are six who are at risk of further restrictions. Veneto, Liguria and Calabria they could see their stay in the red zone prolonged. Puglia, Basilicata and Lombardy scared orange. The minister Roberto Speranza today signed the ordinance for the reopening of the ski resorts January 18.
Meanwhile, give Britain The news arrives that London will close primary schools. The United Kingdom, for its part, has decided to postpone the second dose of the vaccine to broaden the audience of those who receive the first. The illegal rave party that lasted for 48 hours in Rennes, France, is over. 1,200 fines are imposed between participants and organizers.
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