Covid Today: Coronavirus Newsletter March 10. Data on infections in Italy and Emilia Romagna


Bologna, March 10, 2021 – i contagion, as well as the percentage of positive tests in Emilia romagna. According to Covid Newsletter today, March 10, published by the Region, in fact, are 2,155 new cases of coronavirus (yesterday 2,429), the 5.2% (yesterday 5.5%) of the 41,414 swabs processed in the last 24 hours. However, these figures are not sufficient to mitigate the pressure on hospitals. In fact, in one day another 53 beds were occupied in the Covid wards and 26 in the intensive care units. Unfortunately they register 43 new deaths.

National data Coronavirus, current Covid infections in Italy. Region data as of March 10

In Italy in the last twenty-four hours they have been identified 22,409 new cases of coronavirus compared to 361,040 swabs performed for a 6.2% positivity rate. Yesterday there were 19,749 new cases with 345,336 swabs, with a positive rate of 5.7%. This is what emerges from the daily newsletter on Covid issued by Civil Protection and the Ministry of Health.

The new ones deceased They are 332, while yesterday the dead were 376. Le intensive therapy occupied by patients with Coronavirus went from 2,756 to 2,827: +71.

I total cases Since the beginning of the pandemic there are 3,123,368, while at present there are 487,074 positive people and 22,882 hospitalized with symptoms. The region with the highest increase in cases in the last 24 hours is the Lombardy with 4,422 new positives, followed by Campania with 3,034 andEmilia romagna with 2,155.

The table of regions

“This in terms of impact is the first wave for us. “The so-called second wave of Covid” was nothing more than training. ” Paolo Bordon, general director of the Local Health Authority of Bologna. “In the second wave we had an admissions spike that seemed very high,” but it was nothing compared to today. “Now among all the hospitals in the network (Ausl, Sant’Orsola and private accredited) we have 1,160 hospitalized people. Of these 199 in intensive and sub-intensive care ”, double in November. “We have transformed all convertibles, but the afraid it is still not enough for us ”.

As to contagion, the new cases of coronavirus, “we are inappendix, we are at the top between today and tomorrow. We do not expect a collapse but a plateau. The problem is the hospitals “, where” the demand for hospitalization will grow at least half of next week. We still have a week of great passion ahead of us, ”adds Bordon.

When will they breathe again? hospitals? Hope is for “end of april“.” We began to see the effect of Red zone“,” In emergency rooms, access has been reduced for non-Covid patients, who mainly come with Covid symptoms and this is already a help “.

The “very violent” wave that hit Bologna Bordon explains it like this: “The rules: I contagion 70% occurs in homes, for example during prices that couldn’t be done ”, all amplified by the greater contagion of variants such as the English one. Regarding the immunization campaign, “we make the most of the vaccines we have. My heart cries, the problem is that they are few and we have the potential to do 3-4 times what we are doing. We have the equipment, the logistics, the places, but not the dose“” It’s a race against time: only if they get vaccinated as much as possible before the end of the summer, we can avoid a fourth wave, “” I’m sure, “says Bordon.

The virus in Emilia Romagna

Since the beginning of the epidemic in Emilia Romagna there have been 287,136 positive cases. L ‘middle age of the 2,155 new positives today, of which 1,018 asymptomatic, is 42.4 years old.

In the last 24 hours there have been 23,316 molecular swabs, for a total of 3,599,065. In addition to these, there are 299 serological tests and 18,098 quick swabs.

Of the new cases, 473 were already in isolation at the time of the swab execution, 725 sprouts It is already known. Of the 1,018 asymptomatic patients, 560 were identified thanks to the contact tracing activity, 50 through tests by risk categories introduced by the Region, 14 with serological tests, and 21 through pre-hospital tests. An epidemiological investigation of 373 cases is still ongoing.

The infection situation in Province see Bologna with 661 new cases, then Rimini (282), Reggio Emilia (272) and Ravenna (269); then Ferrara (141), Cesena (131), Forlì (123), Modena (104). It is followed by the provinces of Parma (72), Piacenza (67) and Imola (33).


Another 43 deaths

Unfortunately, there are 43 new deaths: 2 to Piacenza (two men, 71 and 77 years old); 5 in the province of Parma (three women of 78, 84 and 89 years old and two men of 71 and 80 years old); 2 in the province of Reggio emilia (a 92-year-old woman and a 68-year-old man); 4 in the province of Modena (one 89-year-old woman and three 80, 82 and 84-year-old men); 19 in the province of Bologna (8 women: 65, 84, 86, two of 90, one of 93 and two of 95, of which one resident in Imola; 11 men (of 47, 67, 74, 76, 78, 80, two of 82, two of 86 and one of 89); 4 in the province of Ferrara (all men: 54, 66, 80 and 91 years old); 4 in the province of Ravenna (two women aged 84 and 97; two men aged 84 and 94); 3 in the province of Forlì-Cesena (two women 62 and 98 years old; one man 90 years old). There are no deaths in the province of Rimini.

In totalSince the beginning of the epidemic there have been 10,914 deaths in the region.

Hospitalizations and intensive care continue to rise

Patients admitted to intensive care 333 (+26 compared to yesterday), 3,094 in the other Covid departments (+53).

In the territory, patients admitted to intensive care are distributed as follows: 10 to Piacenza (number unchanged since yesterday), 19 a Parma (+1), 28 to Reggio emilia (+3), 70 to Modena (+9), 90 to Bologna (+3), 33 to Imola (+5), 31 to Ferrara (no change), 15 a Ravenna (+1), 4 a Forlì (no change), 8 a Cesena (+1) and 25 years Rimini (+3).

More than a thousand sicker than yesterday

Looking at the people as a whole heal, they are 1,020 more than yesterday and reach 216,774.

Active cases, that is, i real patients, to date there are 59,448 (+1,092 compared to yesterday). Of these, people isolated at home, that is, those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or are asymptomatic, account for a total of 56,021 (+1,013), 94.2% of the total active cases.

The contagion map

The cases of positivity in the territory since the beginning of the epidemic, which refer to the province in which the diagnosis was made, are distributed as follows: 20,620 a Piacenza (+67 compared to yesterday, of which 35 symptomatic), 19,401 to Parma (+72, of which 46 symptomatic), 35,980 to Reggio emilia (+272, of which 113 symptomatic), 49,820 to Modena (+104, of which 71 symptomatic), 60,736 to Bologna (+661, of which 301 symptomatic), 10,228 cases a Imola (+33, of which 16 symptomatic), 16,525 to Ferrara (+141, of which 29 symptomatic), 21,881 to Ravenna (+269, of which 174 symptomatic), 10,993 to Forlì (+123, of which 96 symptomatic), 13,736 to Cesena (+131, of which 99 symptomatic) and 27,216 to Rimini (+282, of which 157 symptomatic).

Compared to what was communicated in recent days, there have been 40 cases eliminated, of which 39 were positive in the antigen test but not confirmed by the molecular swab and 1 case that did not find Covid-19.

Emilia Romagna, 164,509 vaccinated

Meanwhile continue the anti-Covid vaccination campaign, which in this phase concerns healthcare and CRC personnel, including patients admitted to nursing homes, most of whom are already immunized, those over 80 years of age in home care and their spouses, if they are 80 or over, and the elderly . 85 and above; Reservations continue for those ages 80 to 84, which began on March 1. Then the school and university staff and the police.

At 3 o’clock in the afternoon they were administered in total 519,796 doses; in total, 164,509 are second doses, that is, people who have completed the vaccination course.

Starting next Monday, March 15 in Emilia Romagna vaccination campaign will be extended to an additional segment of the population: people with serious illnesses and citizens between 75 and 79 years.

Delayed scheduled hospitalizations

Emilia Romagna has decided suspension of scheduled hospitalizations that may be postponed in all hospitals in the region, explaining that intensive care employment is 37.6% (the critical threshold is 30%), while for ordinary Covid positions the employment is 47.2% (also in this case exceeded the critical threshold of 40%).


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