Ancona, February 18, 2021 – I am 532 new Covid infections in Marketaccording to today’s newsletter, 18th of February. While hospitalizations are decreasing for the second day in a row. And if the region gets closer and closer to the zone Orange, new restrictions are looming for Ancona. The Marche Region Health Service has reported that a total of 7,399 tampons have been tested in the last 24 hours: 4994 on the new diagnostic path (of which 2,665 in the screening with the antigenic route) and 2405 in the cured route. The relationship between positive and proven is 10.7%. Yesterday it had risen to 13.5%.
Colors of the regions: who risks the orange zone – Marche risk orange: Ancona closed is not enough – Covid: today’s newsletter in Italy and Emilia Romagna
The map of contagions province by province
The positives in the new diagnostic pathway are 532 distributed as follows: 109 in the province of Macerata, 264 in the province of Ancona, 82 in the province of Pesaro-Urbino, 37 in the province of Stop, 11 in the province of Ascoli piceno and 29 outside the region.
How do you get sick
These cases include symptomatic subjects (63 cases detected), household contacts (98 cases detected), close contacts of positive cases (196 cases detected), contacts in the work environment (26 cases detected), contacts in living / social settings (4 cases detected), contacts in the healthcare field (6 cases detected), contacts with the involvement of students of all educational levels (39 cases detected), screening of healthcare channels (3 cases detected). For another 97 cases, epidemiological investigations are still underway. In the Antigen Screening Pathway, 2,665 tests were performed and 108 positive cases were found (to be subjected to the molecular swab). The positive / proven ratio is 4%.
Hospitalizations in Marche continue to decline
For the second day in a row is falling The number of COVID-19 patients assisted in the hospitals of Market: are in general 637, 4 more than yesterday, of which 599 were hospitalized in the wards, 13 less than the day before and 38 (+9) in the emergency room. At intensive therapy they are assisted 79 people, 1 more than yesterday: 24 (-1) in Pesaro, 18 (-1) in Torrette, 11 (+2) in Jesi, 14 (+1) in the Covid Hospital in Civitanova Marche, 5 in Fermo and 7 in San Benedetto de Tronto. In the semi-intensive areas, 151 people are served, 3 fewer than yesterday: 52 in Pesaro, 20 (-1) in Torrette, 12 (-2) in the Senigallia covid, 11 (-1) in Jesi, 6 ( – 1)) in Macerata, 28 at the Covid Hospital in Civitanova Marche, 12 in Fermo and 10 (+2) in San Benedetto del Tronto. This is what emerges from the second bulletin of the regional health service.
Following the decision of the Ministry of Health on the (probable) orange zone, a new summit is scheduled for the weekend between the governor Francesco Acquaroli and the mayors of the province of Ancona, Mancinelli at the head, to decide whether to apply new and tighter restrictions to the province of Ancona, which still has half of the regional infections today. Currently and until the night between Saturday and Sunday, it is prohibited to enter and leave the province by ordinance.
You could decide to ride a micro red zone based on the Umbrian model already exported to Lombardy: this is closed schools (distance education for all students of all levels), forbidden shops except food, pharmacies, tobacconists and kiosks. The bars and restaurants only work with home delivery and take away.
To attest to the seriousness of the Antonetan situation, the data from the Gimbe Foundation also appear: the province of Ancona sixth in Italy for growing trend (7.2% compared to 4.5% Marche and 3.2% of the Italian average).
Covid, the news of February 18
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