Covid Today: Coronavirus Newsletter December 28. Tuscany Infection Facts – Chronicle


Florence, December 28, 2020 – Sono 181 the new cases of coronavirus in the day of Monday, December 28 in Tuscany. They also count 29 dead. New cases are 0.2% more than the total of the previous day. Those cured grew 0.6% and reached 105,064 (88.3% of all cases). The swabs performed reached 1,853,202, 3,674 more than yesterday, of which 4.9% were positive. On the other hand, 1,325 subjects were analyzed today (excluding control swabs), of which 13.7% were positive. To these are added the 503 rapid antigenic swabs that are currently being made. The current positives are 10,284 today, -4.8% compared to yesterday. There are 1,054 hospitalized (42 more than yesterday), of which 164 in intensive care (1 less).

The contagion map

There are 33,173 cases in total to date in Florence (53 more than yesterday), 10,316 in Prato (8 more), 10,385 in Pistoia (2 more), 7,611 in Massa (15 more), 12,351 in Lucca (26 more), 16,576 in Pisa (18 more), 8,519 in Livorno (26 more), 10,474 in Arezzo (15 more), 4,858 in Siena (12 more), 4,147 in Grosseto (6 more). 555 positive cases were reported in Tuscany, but residing in other regions. There are 65 cases found today in the Central Local Health Authority, 83 in the Northwest, 33 in the Southeast.

The age of the newly infected

The average age of 181 cases today is Around 44 years (19% are under 20 years old, 24% between 20 and 39, 29% between 40 and 59, 19% between 60 and 79, 9% are 80 years or older).


People admitted to beds dedicated to COVID patients today are a total of 1,054 (42 more than yesterday, plus 4.2%), 164 in intensive care (1 less than yesterday, minus 0.6%).

The healed

In total, there are 105,064 people cured (668 more than yesterday, plus 0.6%): 440 people clinically cured (28 fewer than yesterday, minus 6%), that is, they became asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection and 104,624 (696 more than yesterday, more 0.7%) declared cured in all aspects, the so-called viral cures, with negative swab.

The deaths

Today there are 29 new deaths: 18 men and 11 women with an average age of 79.3 years. The deceased are: 6 in Florence, 2 in Prato, 1 in Pistoia, 6 in Massa Carrara, 4 in Lucca, 5 in Pisa, 2 in Livorno, 2 in Arezzo, 1 resident outside of Tuscany.
