Bologna, December 15, 2020 – Among the various data from Covid Newsletter today, December 15, there is one that contradicts a general improvement picture, that of dead: in the last 24 hours, in fact, other 74 in Emilia Romagna. The new ones fall contagion, 1,238 (yesterday there were 1,574), as well as relationship between positives and swabs, down from 17.4% yesterday to 7.8% today. Also decreasing intensive therapy.
Contagions in other Covid regions, today’s newsletter on Coronavirus in Italy. Veneto: 165 dead
There are 14,844 new coronavirus cases in Italy2,814 more than yesterday, when they were 12,030. To explain this increase in positives, the number of swabs performed, which today were 162,880, 59,296 more than 24 hours ago. THE dead in the last 24 hours there were 846. This is what emerges from the newspaper Coronavirus emergency bulletin, published by the Ministry of Health and the Higher Institute of Health.
The ATotally positive There are 667,303, in continuous decline (yesterday they were 675,109), of which 636,958 are in home isolation. THE hospitalized with symptoms are 27,342,423 less than yesterday, while those of intensive care that’s 3,003, 92 less than 24 hours ago. In any case, 199 new intensive care admissions were made, about sixty more than yesterday.
From the point of view of regions, the one that registers the highest number of new positives continues to be the Veneto (3,320 new cases), followed by Lombardy (2,404) and byEmilia romagna (1,238). Only 20 new cases in Valle D’Aosta. From the point of view of hospitalization, Lombardy is by far the region with the most hospitalizations (almost 5,000), followed by Piedmont and Lazio. Only 59 hospitalized in Molise. Lombardy, Veneto and Lazio are, instead, the regions with the highest number of patients in intensive care (only 6 in Valle D’Aosta).
In the last 24 hours, the regions that have seen the highest number of admitted to intensive care they were Veneto (45), Puglia (34) and Lombardy (28). No hospitalization in intensive care on the last day in several regions, including Campania, the autonomous province of Bolzano, Basilicata, Valle D’Aosta and Molise.
Of the Regions Fluctuating Covid data in the Marche region – Death record in Veneto – Positive decline in Tuscany
The virus in Emilia Romagna
Since the start of the coronavirus epidemic, in Emilia Romagna there are 147,558 positive cases, 1,238 more than yesterday, out of a total of 15,770 swabs made in the last 24 hours, for a total of 2,349,809. To these are also added 1,639 serological tests and 3,668 quick swabs performed since yesterday. The percentage of new positives over the number of swabs performed halves, falling to 7.8%.
The control and prevention activity continues: of the newly infected, 632 are asymptomatic identified as part of the regional contact tracing and detection activities. Overall, 319 of the new positives were already isolated at the time of swab execution and 400 were identified within known foci. L ‘middle age of the new positives today is 45.2 years.
hisi 632 asymptomatic317 were identified thanks to contact tracing, 57 through tests by risk categories introduced by the Region, 12 with serological tests, 15 through pre-hospital tests. The epidemiological investigation is still ongoing for 231 cases.
The situation of infections in Province sees Bologna with 317 new cases, Modena (237), Reggio Emilia (123), Ravenna (106), Rimini (105), Piacenza (94), Ferrara (61), Parma (46). Then Forlì (62), Cesena (56) and Imola (31). On the 317 cases in the province of Bologna, 142 swabs for the presence of symptoms, 16 were identified through contact tracing, 7 through tests for the highest risk categories, 6 through pre-hospital tests while for 146 new positives the epidemiological investigation is still in process. Among the 317 new infections, 260 are sporadic and 57 insert into family outbreaks. Finally, 1 box is imported from abroad, none from outside the region.
Looking at the people as a whole healThey are 1,511 more than yesterday and they reach 76,205. Active cases, that is, I real sickTo date there are 64,634 (-347 compared to yesterday). Of these, people in isolation at home, that is, those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or are asymptomatic, total 61,623 (-305), 95.3% of all active cases.
Another 74 deaths
Unfortunately, they are logged 74 new deaths: 3 in the province of Piacenza (a woman aged 86 and two men, aged 83 and 88 respectively), 3 in the province of Parma (a woman aged 97 and two men, 78 and 96 years old), 7 in the province of Reggio Emilia (3 women of 85, 88 and 98 years old and 4 men, of whom two were 77, one 84 and one 89); 9 in the Modena area (3 women of 82, 87, 91 and 6 men, respectively 66, 82, 84, two of 92 and one of 94); 31 in the province of Bologna (15 women – 65, 74, 81, 83, 85, 87, 89, three of 90, three of 92 and two of 93 – and 16 men: respectively 63, 67, 72, 74, 76, 77, two of 82, and again of 83, 85, 89, 90 and two of 93; one of 82 and another of 90 who died in Imola, where they resided); 4 in the Ferrara area (a 61-year-old woman and three 66, 86, 88-year-old men); 5 in the province of Ravenna (two women, 94 and 95 years old, and 3 men, 81, 89 and 90 years old); 6 in Forlì-Cesena (two women of 89 and 98 years old and 4 men of 72, 77, 81 and 83); 6 in the Rimini area: two women aged 71 and 91 and 4 men aged 78, 85, 86 and 88.
In total, 6,719 deaths in the region since the beginning of the epidemic.
The contagion map
The cases of positivity in the territory since the beginning of the epidemic, which refer to the province in which the diagnosis was made, are distributed as follows: 13,897 a Piacenza (+94 compared to yesterday, of which 45 symptomatic), 11,823 to Parma (+46, of which 26 symptomatic), 20,618 to Reggio emilia (+123, of which 53 symptomatic), 27,136 to Modena (+237, of which 151 symptomatic), 29,067 to Bologna (+317, of which 142 symptomatic), 4,583 to Imola (+31, of which 15 symptomatic), 7,508 to Ferrara (+61, of which 14 symptomatic), 10,466 to Ravenna (+106, of which 40 symptomatic), 5,186 to Forlì (+62, of which 42 symptomatic), 4,830 years Cesena (+56, of which 42 symptomatic) and 12,444 to Rimini (+105, of which 36 symptomatic).
Intensive care is on the decline
There are 214 patients admitted to intensive care (-8 compared to yesterday), 2,797 those from the rest of the Covid departments (-34).
In the area, patients admitted to intensive care are distributed as follows: 15 in Piacenza (+2 compared to yesterday), 17 in Parma (-1), 24 in Reggio Emilia (-6), 38 in Modena (-1), 59 in Bologna (+2), 6 in Imola (stable number compared to yesterday), 16 in Ferrara (-2), 14 in Ravenna (+1), 5 in Forlì (unchanged), 1 in Cesena (unchanged) and 19 in Rimini (-3).
Bonaccini: “Third wave inevitable”
After the city centers were packed with people over the weekend, there were some caveats. The regional health adviser, Raffaele Doninihe said, evoking further restrictions: “There is a contradiction in allowing actions that you would like people not to take. Germany has resolved.”
“In the next few hours we will discuss with the government and with the Regions to understand how to curb the risk of a third wave,” said the president of Emilia Romagna. Stefano bonaccini, during the presentation of the “Pact for work and climate, which was carried out today in videoconference”. Those who understand the most say that the third wave is inevitable – He continued – but the issue is to understand their strength. We hope this new wave is smooth. Contagion curves are studied. In a month, Emilia Romagna’s curve was cut in half. The contagion in Italy has fallen less robustly, among other things there has not been a total blockade ”.
Speaking of blockade, the president denied the total closure. In fact, it confirmed that the school restart in early 2021. “We need to understand what the plan can be and what additional restrictions can help not to raise the contagion curve,” he added. “The confrontation between the Government and the Regions there will be between Tomorrow and after tomorrow. We have to do things well, as other European countries are doing as well. We need to consider how to stop the risk of a new third wave. I also say this to the operators who have been involved day and night in this crisis since last February ”.
The updated data of today’s newsletter will be communicated by the Region around 16.30. Will be shared on this page in real time.
Moving: Latest Waivers News
“Two thousand dead in the Cra in the region”
Covid in Emilia Romagna has gone further 2,000 dead and hits one in five guests in the facilities for the elderly. This is the budget presented today in the Committee of Social Policies of the Region of Emilia-Romagna Aspects, according to the councilor of M5, Silvia Piccinini. 6% of the coronavirus infections in Emilia Romagna occurred within a protected structure, which is equivalent to 9,206 people, and 25% of the hosts in all structures were infected.
The dead were 2,039 while almost 50% of those infected managed to recover. “The numbers provided should push us to make full light On what has happened since the beginning of the pandemic – Piccinini urges – we need to understand, for example, why and how some structures have reacted better than others to the health emergency. It is necessary to continue discussing this matter in committee as soon as possible. “
Instead, criticism rains down from the League. The counselor Daniele marchetti he takes the example of Imola, where “the situation of infections within the Cra worsens day by day and highlights the weakness of regional indications”. The Northern League Andrea Liverani Instead he speaks of a “situation out of control in Faenza”, where 42 out of 80 guests are positive at Cra Santa Teresa and 30 out of 46 operators. in the structure it was positive and died ”.
It’s about a therapy which provides for the collection of plasma from people cured of Covid-19 and its subsequent administration to patients suffering from the same disease. In many cases, in fact, plasma has been shown to be effective for antibodies present in subjects recovered from infection. The harvest will begin this week, confirms Giovanni ceccherelli, Director of the Structure of the Immunotransfusion Complex of the Polyclinic.
“We are in Bologna Exhausted. Hospitals can no longer hold out, keeping all other companies open. We need strict bans, even for Christmas, because it is clear that the suggestions ‘with good luck’ are not captured. And the toilets can’t take it anymore ”. Say it’s the teacher Pierluigi Viale, Head of Infectious Diseases of the Sant’Orsola hospital, after the registration of deaths in Bologna. Yesterday, in fact, there were 38.
In the meantime, however, the experiments continue and the next year’s experiments have been presented: monoclonal antibodies, But drugs for non-serious outpatients will also have to be found. The new trials will look at at least three areas: monoclonal, antiviral, and immunostimulatory.
Closed it plasma study and the tests in the Oxford-Astrazeneca vaccine. “Vaccines work – explains Viale -. They prevent disease. We will have fewer serious cases and fewer deaths, of course, but it is not certain that we can say goodbye to the regulations.
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