Covid Today: Coronavirus Bulletin November 30. Data in Italy and Emilia Romagna


Bologna, November 30, 2020 – It was not the data that was expected for today, the beginning of the week, that should lead Emilia Romagna towards the coveted yellow zone. In fact, all the main indicators of contagion are increasing for coronavirus in Emiia Romagna. There are 2,041 new infections (of which 1,189 asymptomatic) and the incidence of positives compared to swabs also increases (10,992): we went from 13.8% yesterday at 18.5% today.

The number of patients in intensive care (+4) thus reaching 249 in the region. There are 87 more patients in non-acute covid wards: now there are 2,755. The registered victims are 39 and the provinces that have marked the highest number of infections remain Modena me Bologna.

Covid in Italy, today’s bulletin November 30 on Coronavirus – Veneto at risk of orange zone. Zaia: “Rt too high”

Coronavirus Italy: numbers and table of Regions

Today in Italy They registered 16,377 new cases 4,311 less than those registered yesterday, when they were 20,648.

A clear improvement, however, must be attributed above all to the significant decrease in tampons made in the last 24 hours (130,524 against 176,934 yesterday).

The number of victims remains high: in the last 24 hours there have been 672 dead.

This is what emerges from bulletin of the Ministry of Health. The current positive decrease in 7,300 while the cured were 23,004.

According to data from ministry, in intensive care are currently 3,744 people hospitalized, 9 units less than yesterday. I 23,004
recovered yesterday bring a total of 757,507.

The numbers of the virus in Emilia Romagna with the data of the provinces

Since the outbreak began, they have been registered in the region. 123,073 cases of positivity2,041 more than yesterday, out of a total of 10,992 swabs made in the last 24 hours. The percentage of new positives over the number of swabs performed is 18.5%.

Of the newly infected 1,189 are asymptomatic identified as part of the regional contact tracing and screening activities: 456 were identified thanks to the contact tracing activity, 88 through tests for risk categories introduced by the Region, 25 with serological screening, 8 through recovery. The epidemiological investigation is still ongoing for 612 cases.

Overall, among the new positives, 390 were already in isolation at the time of the swab execution, 345 were identified within known foci.

The average age of new positives today is 48.1 years.

These are the cases of positivity in the area since the beginning of the epidemic, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 12,463 a Piacenza (+57 compared to yesterday, of which 18 symptomatic), 10,393 to Parma (+140, of which 89 symptomatic), 17,602 to Reggio emilia (+222 of which 136 symptomatic), 22,448 to Modena (+471, of which 132 symptomatic), 24,053 to Bologna (+393, ​​of which 155 symptomatic), 3,526 cases a Imola (+118, of which 46 symptomatic), 6,036 years Ferrara (+95, of which 17 symptomatic), 8,062 to Ravenna (+182, of which 64 symptomatic), 4,538 years Forlì (+54, of which 36 symptomatic), 3,932 to Cesena (+47, of which 32 symptomatic) and 10,020 to Rimini (+262, of which 127 are symptomatic).

Where the last Covid victims lived in Emilia Romagna

Today they register 39 deaths: 6 in the province of Piacenza (3 women – 42, 72, 92 – and 3 men, 68, 75 and 82 years old); 2 in the of Parma (a man of 86 and a woman of 88); 7 in the of Reggio emilia (2 women, respectively 66 and 90 years old, and 5 men: 2 71 years old, the other 84, 86, 88 years old); 7 in the of Modena (2 women, respectively 86 and 90 years old, and 5 men: 66, 81, 88 years and 2 86 years), 3 in the Bologna (all residents in the Imola area: a 94-year-old woman and 2 59 and 87-year-old men); 4 in the Ferrara area (all women: 81, 93 and 2 of 88 years); 3 in the province of Forlì-Cesena (a woman of 88 years and 2 men, respectively of 86 and 96 years); 6 in Rimini (4 women – respectively 90, 91, 92 and 94 years old – and 2 men, 86 and 93 years old). There are no deaths in Ravenna.

In addition, the death of a non-Emilia-Romagna resident was recorded in Ferrara: it is a 70-year-old person from Occhiobello (Rovigo).

In total, there have been deaths in the region since the start of the epidemic 5,753.

Intensive care: where patients are hospitalized

Patients admitted to intensive care there are 249 (+4 compared to yesterday), 2,755 those of other Covid departments (+87).

In the territory, patients admitted to intensive care are distributed as follows: 14 to Piacenza (+1 compared to yesterday), 15 a Parma (+2), 34 to Reggio emilia (no change), 59 a Modena (-1), 56 to Bologna (no change), 4 years Imola (no change), 20 a Ferrara (+1), 16 to Ravenna (+1), 6 a Forlì (no change), 3 years Cesena (+1) and 22 years Rimini (-1).

How many are the actual patients in Emilia Romagna?

I active cases, that’s me real sick, to date I am 71,734 (+1,505 compared to yesterday). Of these, the people in isolate the house, that is to say, those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or are asymptomatic, total 68,730 (+1,414), 95.8% of the total active cases.


As for the total number of people cured, they are 497 more than yesterday and reached 45,586.


Ferrara: 19 positives in the Argenta hospital

Between yesterday, November 29 and today, 10 patients and 9 operators (among nurses, physicians and OSS) positive to SARS-CoV-2 of the Department of Medicine of the Hospital de Argenta.

“The patients did not present clinical symptoms attributable to Covid. The positivity was found during the programmed controls that are carried out to the patients, admitted for other pathologies, negative Covid-19 when entering the ward,” the note reads Ferrara Ausl. .

All the patients were immediately transferred on Sunday to the covid medical wards of the Cento hospitals, which received 4 patients, and Delta, which received 6 patients.

Currently, the access of new patients to the Argenta Hospital medical department has been suspended and family visits to patients have been blocked.

“Health professionals clean themselves periodically as a way to put on screen: the last check the medical staff underwent was carried out during the week of November 23-27. In this periodic verification, on November 29 one of the 9 mentioned was positive (all other operators were negative). The other 8 positives emerged after a new screening carried out on all the medical hospital staff after the positivity of the patients, ”says Ausl.

The positive operators (all asymptomatic) were immediately placed in home isolation.

“Today begins confrontation with the government Evaluate measures that on the one hand allow activities to be carried out for the regions that are in the yellow zone, but it will be necessary to look for measures that avoid everyone’s free lair: for the Christmas period it is necessary to limit travel. Stefano bonaccini, President of Emilia-Romagna and of the Conference of the Regions, guest at ‘Mattino Cinque’.

“Today’s numbers say it’s probably the end of this week we can go back to the yellow zone, because in two weeks the curve of infected and hospitalized has definitely improved. Before becoming the orange zone, we took some more restrictive measures together with my colleagues Zaia and Fedriga ”.

Yellow zone rules: what changes in 7 days in Emilia Romagna – Anti Covid Vaccine, Moderna requests authorization. “94.1% effective, 100% in the most serious cases” – Christmas Dpcm and mobility between regions: the hypothesis of the bloc as of December 20. Boccia: “New Year? Curfew”

Italian singer and star Orietta Berti, originally from Reggio emilia, announced to his fans, on social networks, that he had hired the coronavirus. Before her, another famous singer from Reggio had been hospitalized again due to Covid: Iva Zanicchi. Zanicchi later recovered and left the hospital. Unfortunately his brother didn’t make it, died from the virus.

Gheorghe Ivan was 49 years old. Originally from Romania but a resident of Fossoli di Carpi, he was one more victim of Covid and died on Friday night in the Baggiovara hospital. He is one of the youngest victims in the entire region.

Christmas shopping crowd, Cirio: “Unacceptable, let’s not go back to summer” – The man who predicted the peak in November: “Transportation plan or there will be a third wave”

Free serological test for AIDS testers

In Emilia-Romagna, fewer and fewer people are contracting HIV infection: there were 209 new cases in 2019, compared to 220 the previous year. But unfortunately the number of those who reach a late diagnosis is still high: it happened in 58% of cases, and 43% of people were already with AIDS, or in a very advanced stage of infection, at the time of the diagnosis. A problem mainly due to a low misperception of risk in some segments of the population.

That is why on the occasion of the World aids day Scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, December 1, the Emilia-Romagna Region together with HelpAids launches a new awareness and communication campaign that this year also has an additional tool: from the end of November, by decision of the Region together with the Health Authorities, Emilia romagna Those who take the HIV test can, free of charge and on the same occasion, also carry out an serological test for Covid-19.

Covid Italy today

Bonaccini: “Emilia Romagna yellow on the weekend”

Dpcm Christmas and mobility between regions: the hypothesis of the bloc as of December 20

Orietta Berti infected “I don’t know how it happened”

The man who predicted the peak in November: “Transportation plan or there will be a third wave”
