Covid Today: Coronavirus Bulletin December 18. Infections in Italy and Emilia-Romagna


Bologna, December 18, 2020 – The rate of positives for coronavirus (1,745, of which 840 asymptomatic) detected among the 16,762 swabs processed in the last hours in Emilia-Romagna, which dropped to 10.4% (yesterday it was from 11.7%) is third in the ranking regions by number of infections (after Veneto and Lombardy).

Dpcm Christmas: Today Conte decides. Italy in red and orange from December 21 to January 6 – Covid today: coronavirus bulletin in Italy. Contagions and data from December 18

Here is the data of the today’s newsletter in the region: chiaroscuro figures that show some improvement compared to yesterday, but without the drastic decline that should accompany the end of the second phase. Remain in fact stable The number of victims: 75 today against 78 yesterday. There are 41 deaths registered in the province of Bologna, seven are from Imola. As well as the number of patients admitted intensive care: today there are 207, one more than yesterday. Instead the sick go down departments not sharp: they are 2,764 (37 less). themiddle age, today at 45.8 years, of new patients.

me active cases there are 62,326 (-250 compared to yesterday). Among the provinces, those with the highest number of cases are Modena (381), Bologna (355) e Reggio emilia (228). All the others have less than two hundred new positives.

The covid newsletter in Italy

In the last 24 hours in Italy there were 17,992 new cases of Coronavirus (in light release compared to yesterday that had been 18,236) and 22,272 new cured (2,000 more than yesterday) for a total of 1,226,086 since the beginning of the emergency. Currently the positive people are 627,798, 7,545 less than on Thursday. THE tampons facts, on the other hand, were 179,800, down of about 5,000 compared to more than 185,000 yesterday, according to data from the Ministry of Health. The relationship between the positives detected and the swabs performed go up again and it’s 10%, slightly higher than 9.8% yesterday

They continue to stay stable deaths. Today there were 674 of them (Thursday 683, Wednesday 680). There are 599,210 people in home isolation. Hospitalizations continue to decline: there are 25,769 people in ordinary hospitalization (-658), 2,819 in intensive care (-36). On the other hand, newcomers to resuscitations rose slightly, 189 (+6).

The regions that have registered the most infections are: Veneto (+4,211), Lombardy (+2,744), Emilia romagna (+1,745), Lazio (+1,428), Puglia (+1,314), Piedmont (+1,210), Campania (+1,201).

Covid admissions

Very seriously ill patients intensive therapy there are 207 (+1 compared to yesterday): 16 in Piacenza (+1 compared to yesterday), 15 a Parma (-3), 21 a Reggio emilia (-2), 39 to Modena (+4), 55 to Bologna (number unchanged since yesterday), 6 a Imola (+1), 15 to Ferrara (no change), 17 a Ravenna (+1), 4 a Forlì (-1), 1 a Cesena (no change) and 18 a Rimini (unchanged). In the less acute patient rooms, 2,764 beds are occupied by covid patients (-37).

Symptomatic and asymptomatic by province

This is how the new 1,745 positives detected in the region are distributed: 80 to Piacenza (of which 45 symptomatic), 87 to Parma (of which 60 symptomatic), 228 to Reggio emilia (of which 107 symptomatic), 381 to Modena (of which 221 symptomatic), 355 to Bologna (of which 159 symptomatic), 78 cases a Imola (of which 16 symptomatic), 65 to Ferrara (of which 19 symptomatic), 131 to Ravenna (of which 63 symptomatic), 57 to Forlì (of which 42 symptomatic), 87 to Cesena (of which 69 symptomatic) and 196 a Rimini (of which 104 symptomatic). After the verification of the data communicated in recent days, 1 case was eliminated in Bologna, as it was not considered Covid-19.

Today the government decide which rules to adopt regarding travel during the Christmas period. Meanwhile, the governor of Emilia-Romagna, Stefano bonaccini, explained what are the two possible hypotheses of the new Dpcm Christmas. Or “a red zone that continues from the eve of Christmas all’Epiphany – he said today on Mattino 5, on Canale 5 -, or alternating with some relaxation ”. Then he added: “I would privilege this second hypothesis“Even if” is not an easy choice.

Starts in all of Emilia-Romagna Monday December 21 with the voluntary screening campaign, requested by the Region in agreement with the trade associations of the affiliated pharmacies.
“After the serological tests, we redouble our efforts with an unprecedented operation in Italy”, commented the commissioner Raffaele donini. the pharmacy that to have already United from Piacenza to Rimini are 374 and they are increasing by the hour.

Recipients, in addition to pharmacists who participate in the project, are the same citizens of the screening with rapid serological tests It started on October 19 and is still ongoing. Therefore, the invitation to participate is addressed to all schoolchildren and students gives 0 to 18 years ei old attending the senior High School, with them parents and another members of the family cohabiting; University students, the educational services staff 0-3 years cast school of all order and grade. Field will continue until June 30, 2021.

Covid vaccine, when will the impact be seen

“The impact on the population of the anti-Covid vaccination will be seen in late spring. This means that even for a significant time we will have to live with the virus with the only real weapon we have, which is that of non-pharmacological measures. Hence my attitude of prudence, especially during the 15 days of Christmas to avoid a reconsideration ”. This was stated by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, in connection with a meeting of the Fnomceo (National Federation of Medical Orders. Until “between 10 and 15 million people are vaccinated, the immune effect will remain residual – he continued – and therefore for not a few weeks we will have to maintain a significant level of care “.

Growing me contagion Yesterday: 1,667 against 1,238 on Wednesday. But they became less tampons (14,300), so that positivity rate, jumping from 7% to 11.7%. The number of deaths was unchanged. There were 78, like the day before. Those of yesterday were distributed as follows: 25 in the province of Rimini, 21 to Bologna, 10 a Ravenna, 7 a Reggio emilia, 6 to Modena, 4 a Ferrara, 2 a Parma (84 and 83 year old men) and 1 year Piacenza and 1 a Forlì-Cesena. Another death refers to a person who does not reside in Emilia-Romagna. Well you intensive therapy: -6 for a total of 206. +28 of hospitalizations in Covid departments uncritical. The provinces with plus new almost of positivity were: Bologna (+404), Modena (+257), Reggio emilia (+255). Those with fewer infections: Cesena (+44), Forlì (+55), Ferrara (+58).

Yesterday they were in italy 18,236 new cases of Covid. A slight increase, compared to the day before I had registered 17,572. Stable i deceased: 683 (680 yesterday). They were 185,320 swabs performed, down around 15,000 compared to almost 200,000 yesterday. Then upload the positivity rate (positive / smear ratio, including repeat and control ratio): 9.8 %% (+ 1%).

Patients admitted to intensive care in total yesterday they were 2,855, (-71), while the daily admissions to resuscitation were 183. People hospitalized with symptoms in ordinary wards were 26,427, 470 less drive compared to Wednesday.

The regions that registered the most cases of positivity were: Veneto (4,402), Lombardy (2,730), Emilia romagna (1,667), Lazio (1,597), Apulia (1,073). Then Campania (927), Piedmont (883), Sicily (872), Friuli Venezia Giulia (707), Tuscany (636).

Covid, the other news today

New ordinance in Veneto, the pdf. Zaia: “Necessary, the situation is serious”

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