Covid Today: Coronavirus Bulletin December 10. Data and infections in Italy and Emilia Romagna


Bologna, December 10, 2020 – The trend continues in offspring in the coronavirus data. Today’s new positives are 1,453 (of which 724 asymptomatic): the incidence of those infected in tampons falls abundantly below the 10% (it goes to 8.2 vs. 10.3 yesterday). There are currently 229 patients in intensive care, four less than yesterday. In the Covid departments 2,845 people, 12 less than yesterday.

Coronavirus Italy, today’s newsletter. Infection data and Pdf table – New Zaia ordinance for the Veneto region: the rules

The only data that unfortunately continues to grow is that of victims that today is 72 against 46 yesterday. L ‘middle age falls to 46 years. The most affected provinces remain Bologna (301) e Modena (283): in the rest of the region in figures they are below two hundred infections. Continue decreasing the number of active cases, that is, the real patients, to date are 64,717 (-1,125 compared to yesterday).

Italy covid data

The new positive cases of Covid in Italy today are 16,999. More than 4 thousand compared to yesterday, which was 12,756. The incidence also decreases: The Italian positivity rate fell to 9.9%, almost a percentage point compared to yesterday. The I dead: 887. But the number of healed/ discharged: 30,099 (39,266 yesterday). Has happened like this million people healed since the beginning of the pandemic (1,027,994). Currently, the positive people in Italy are 696,527 (-13,988).

the regions that have registered more infections are: Veneto (4,197), Lombardy (2,093), Lazio (1,488), EmiliaRomagna (1,453), Puglia (1,332), Campania (1,198), Sicily (1,059). They are followed by Piedmont (974), Valle d’Aosta (783), Friuli Venezia Giulia (672), Tuscany (517).

The deaths

The number of deaths continues to grow, reaching 72: 3 a Piacenza (two women of 83 and 89 years old respectively and a man of 70 years); 3 in the province of Parma (2 women – 86 years and 100 years – and a man of 92 years), 11 in the province of Reggio emilia (6 women, of whom two are 85 years old, one 86, one 87 and two 92 years old, one of whom died in Modena but resides in the province of Reggio Emilia and 5 men are 72, 77, 80, 81 and 87 years); 7 in Modenese (3 women – from 71, 78, 82 – and 4 men – from 58, 83, 86 and 94); 20 in the province of Bologna (12 women, 65, 79, 81, 82 and one 84, died in Imola; the others are respectively 86 years old, two 89 years old, two 92 years old, one 96 years old and one 97 years old; and 8 men: one 65, one 74, two 85, two 89, one of whom died in Imola, one 91 and one 94 years) 8 deaths were in Ferrara (7 women respectively of 87, 91, two of 92, two of 93, one of 95 and one man, also 95 years old); 10 in the province of Ravenna (5 women – of 77, 81, 93, 95 and 100 – and 5 men, respectively of 51, 61, 68, 91 and one of 106); a woman in Forlì-Cesena (precisely in Forlì); 8 in Rimini: 4 women, two of which 77, one 92 and the other 93; and 4 men of 76, 86, 88 and 93 years old. There is also the death of a 79-year-old man who died outside the region.

Covid admissions

Patients admitted to intensive care there are 229 (-4 compared to yesterday), 2,845 those of other Covid departments (-12). In the territory, patients admitted to intensive care are distributed as follows: 13 to Piacenza (-1 compared to yesterday), 18 inches Parma (+3), 27 to Reggio emilia (-4), 53 to Modena (-1), 51 to Bologna (-2), 8 a Imola (number unchanged since yesterday), 18 a Ferrara (no change), 14 a Ravenna (+2), 5 to Forlì (-1), 2 a Cesena (no change) and 20 a Rimini (unchanged).

Symptomatic and asymptomatic by province

Here’s how the 1,453 new cases are divided: 66 to Piacenza (of which 43 symptomatic), 54 to Parma (of which 31 symptomatic), 155 to Reggio emilia (of which 71 symptomatic), 283 Modena (of which 188 symptomatic), 301 to Bologna (of which 150 symptomatic), 55 cases a Imola (of which 15 symptomatic), 94 to Ferrara (of which 26 symptomatic), 138 to Ravenna (of which 35 symptomatic), 38 to Forlì (including 25 symptomatic), 87 to Cesena (of which 56 symptomatic) and 182 a Rimini (of which 89 symptomatic).

The vaccine

Meanwhile, we are preparing to Vaccine for COVID-19, whose first doses, as he told Carlino yesterday Sandra Zampa, Undersecretary of Health, will be administered from from January 15 to all Health workers and to people who need it, due to health conditions. And it seems to be a fight against time, because always in January is the risk of a third wave. To confirm that it is Paolo Maria Battistini, president of the Order of Doctors of the province of Pesaro: “A January we risk a lot if, instead of closing the second wave, with our behavior let’s start the third“.

Dpcm Natale: fraction divided between three municipalities. Mayors write to Conte

I updated data in infections today will be communicated by the Region at 16.30 towards. Will be shared on this page in real time.

Also today Raffaele doniniRegional Minister of Health, recalled that the health emergency has not ended yet, but that the Emilia Romagna region is ready for “a resurgence in January.” All regional accommodation facilities will be ready for Covid vaccines. “In the coming months, we will use the accredited private network for anti-Covid vaccination,” Donini said. IT IS in a few days it will also be “The agreement with the private health service is operational to carry out quick swabs”.

Activity possible thanks toagreement that was signed with Aiop, association of private hospitals, and Anisap, national federation of private health institutions for outpatients, for the outpatient side.

The growth of contagion it is down in both regions. As much as decrease Besides intensive care admissions and others Covid departments. The relationship between positive cases and buffers, on the other hand, remains stable. In slight decline Besides deceased. This is what results from the surveillance independent of Gimbe Foundation for the week of December 2-9 2020.

Regarding the occupation of the beds of patients with Covid, instead Inorth Emilia romagna it is 50%. A a number well above average national which stands at 45%. At Market the places that are occupied are the 43%.

The priority of the Emilia Romagna region now is to do return children to school on January 7. If you don’t find a agreement within ten days in school transportation, you will intervene directly with a new ordinance. It is in the powers of the president Bonacciniin fact, enforce the 50% of transport capacity and the 75% of face-to-face teaching.

“For us – underlined Davide baruffi, Undersecretary of the Presidency of the Region – the theme of the school is priority topic and this time should be used so that the return to school is carried out continuously and there are no more suspensions“.

School personnel, on the other hand, are asked to “sacrifice” for a possible shift of lessons also in the afternoon. This is the hypothesis that is being considered for now, to carry out staggered entry and exit shifts.

Yesterday, like the day before, we saw a decrease in contagion: on over 10mila buffers 1,079 new positives, of which 677 asymptomatic. The percentage of new positives over the number of swabs performed was 10.3%9.8% the day before.
Positive the total number of healed (66,191), while and dead They were 46, distributed as follows: 7 in the province of Piacenza, 4 in that of Parma, 6 in the province of Reggio emilia, 10 in Modenese, 2 a Bologna, 6 in the province of Ravenna, 1 in the province of Forlì-Cesena and 10 in the Rimini area. There are no deaths in the Ferrara area.

Patients admitted to intensive care fell by one unit (233), while those of other Covid departments increased by 76 (2,857).

I new cases in Italy yesterday they were 12,756. There has also been a ‘boom’ of patients healed or discharged, others 39,266 (the day before there were 25,497). 118,475 I made swabs yesterday, more than 30,000 less than the day before. For this, the positivity rate increased by 0.8%: 10.8%. The deaths were 499 when the day before there had been 634, for a total of 61,739 since the beginning of the epidemic.

The patients entered intensive care in Italy yesterday they were 3,320, down 25 units. There were 152 admissions to resuscitation. hospitalized in ordinary wards there were 29,653, 428 less than yesterday.
The regions that have had the most infections: Veneto + 2,427, Emilia romagna + 1,079, Tuscany + 505, Market + 229
