Fewer days of isolation and rapid tests available to schools: this way the quarantine becomes light. And the institutes are ready to welcome physicians into the gymnasiums or the conference room for immediate testing. Yesterday came the circular from the health ministry that cuts the days of isolation from 14 to 10, with some exceptions in which the duration is kept at two weeks.
In fact, speeding up time has become a necessity to limit inconvenience both in the workplace, where parents of positive children or those with close contacts run the risk of being absent for too long, and in schools where the teaching runs the risk of being crushed. A big problem that is testing schools. And then came the cut in the length of the insulation. But not for everyone. The Ministry of Health, recognizing the indications of the Scientific Technical Committee, has identified several scenarios.
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First, asymptomatic positives are considered: they can return to the community, then to the classroom, after isolation of at least 10 days from the appearance of positivity and after having had a negative result of the molecular test. Symptomatic positives, on the other hand, can re-enter banks after at least 10 days from the onset of symptoms and after the negative result of the molecular test, performed at least 3 days after symptoms disappear. Then they have to wait 10 days, of which at least 3 without symptoms, and the test result.
Then there are the so-called “long-term positives”: these are those patients who, although they no longer present the symptoms that characterize Covid such as fever and cough, continue to have a positive molecular test result. If they haven’t had coronavirus symptoms for at least a week, they can stop isolation 21 days after the initial symptoms appear. This is a path that must be constantly monitored and must be chosen in agreement with doctors and virologists: in fact, it is necessary to evaluate the immunological status of patients, since for the immunosuppressed the period of contagion can be prolonged. As for the close contacts of a positive case, then what happens in most classes that end in isolation, the possibilities are two: the students must remain in quarantine for 14 days, from the last contact, or only for 10 days. days from the last exposure if they have a negative result of an antigen or molecular test performed on the 10th day.
For the school world, this novelty represents a breath of fresh air: «It is a step forward in improving the situation – he explains Antonello Giannelli, President of the National Directors Association – with the 14 days of quarantine there was a risk of a deadlock in the system. One more step could come from the availability of fast buffers. In this way, the possibility of maintaining school service on a more regular basis would be significantly improved. ‘
For make faster the process rapid tests are also on the way in schools. There are regions that have already initiated procedures with voluntary screening through rapid unhealthiness for the entire school population, with the authorization of parents in the case of minors, to be carried out directly at the school. But new, less invasive testing methods are also starting.
In Lazio, for example, a pilot project with saliva tests started last week: a kind of gum, which the student chews for about two minutes, with which the saliva sample is taken. For now the doctors have intervened in some institutes but soon the tests could reach all the schools and: in two hours the whole process is carried out from the taking of the sample to the final result. In case of positivity, of course, we proceed with the standard nasal swab. All this could take place within the institutes, as many school directors have already requested: «We have asked ASL – explains Angela Minerva, school director of the Uruguay Institute in Rome – to be able to carry out tests in our schools. We could make available the gym or the conference room. By taking exams at school, we would get to know the families by making their homework easier and at the same time we would not obstruct drive-ins anymore. Everything would be faster, thus allowing the children and teachers involved to immediately return to teaching activities.
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