
Rome, September 4, 2020 – The experimentation of quick tests to locate the COVID-19 it is progressing well and the national green light could soon arrive. After that I ports he airports, the Ministry of Health thinks about rapid tests even in schools. The follow-up of the use and the results of the rapid tests is still ongoing, but the encouraging results achieved suggest that within a few weeks there should be an acceleration for the inclusion of this activity of put on screen nationwide. “Let us proceed with judgment and gradual”, repeats Roberto Speranza in these hours.
Coronavirus Italy, the newsletter of September 4
In Italy the experimentation of this type of tampons, which detects the presence of the virus through viral proteins (antigen), left two weeks ago in ports and airports. The results are good for this diagnostic tool which, without using laboratory equipment, can be the key to safe school restart. The Minister of Education, Lucía Azzolina, considers the speed of response to the tests important. And Speranza is also in favor.
Projection of teachers, personal me students It would be much faster and, in the case of a positive student or teacher, it would avoid paralyzing an entire class and conditioning the work of many parents: the traditional swab would be done only in case of a positive rapid test. The sensitive issue is the reliability with respect to the nasopharyngeal swab that detects the RNA of the virus, since the sensitivity of the rapid tests, which can give a response in less than half an hour, is around 85%. Or rather, these were the data when the experimentation began.
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