Covid, there are still 4 infections in Molise – there are now 97 positives. A patient from Campobasso cured


The contagion curve in Molise remains stable, with a constant increase. Even today, Sunday September 13, 4 infections were recorded: 2 in Termoli, 1 in Mirabello Sannitico (contact of a positive) and 1 in Venafro (contact of a positive). They are registered in the Asrem newsletter 225 swabs processed. Today there is also one cured, from Campobasso, and therefore the number of positives currently in Molise amounts to 97, the totals since the start of the emergency are 569, out of a total of 36332 Processed swabs, including control swabs.

The number of hospitalized patients is stable, there are 4 in total: 3 are in infectious diseases, 1 in intensive care (Mirabello Sannitico patient).

The healed rise to 449, the deaths stopped in 2. 3.

Isolated people are 141.


2 Bojano

45 Campobasso

1 Campolieto

2 Campodipietra

5 Campomarino

1 Carovilli

2 Anchise glue

7 Ferrazzano

2 Forlì del Sannio

3 Prawn

5 Isernia

2 Mirabello Sannitico

2 Montenero di Bisaccia

1 Macchiagodena

2 Montaquila

1 Rocchetta to Volturno

4 Sant’Elia to Pianisi

6 Termoli

2 Venafro

1 Vinchiaturo
