Starting next Monday, March 8, the vaccination campaign reserved for school personnel will begin, a public of more than 200,000 people from primary and secondary schools reported on the basis of the lists provided by the Ministry of Education.
The lists are being integrated with the names of private schools, early childhood schools and day care centers.
The registration portal for the vaccination campaign will be active in the next 48 hours by consulting the website www.regione.lombardia.it/wps/portal/istituzionale/HP/vaccinazionicovid along with the toll-free number.
Next, those interested will receive the SMS that will indicate the place, date and time the vaccine will be administered..
This is what the general director of the Department of Well-being of the Lombardy Region, Giovanni Pavesi, has communicated today, who took part in the meeting called by the Regional Councilor for Education, University, Research, Innovation and Simplification, Fabrizio Sala, together with the Director General of DG Education, Gianni. Bocchieri. In relation, there were also representatives of the main unions and the general director of the Regional Office of the Lombardy School Augusta Celada.
The administration of these vaccines of the “Personal School Campaign” whose territorial coordination is entrusted to the individual Ats, can also be carried out in accredited private facilities and the Astra Zeneca vaccine will be used.
The time to complete this operation should be limited to 5 weeks.
“It was a useful and productive meeting. The safety of school personnel is one of the priorities of our Region – said the Councilor for Education, University, Research, Innovation and Simplification Fabrizio Sala – and that is why we have shared the need and we are sure of the broadest adherence and collaboration to this campaign of mass vaccination ”.
“This operation confirms the attention to the world of schools – said the Vice President and Councilor for Wellbeing of the Lombardy Region, Letizia Moratti – and in no case does it interfere with the vaccination plan that we follow for those over 80 and for the fragile categories “.
Councilor Sala also reported on the ongoing discussions with the Government, focusing on the news regarding the measures on schools, in particular to try to give greater legal force to the regional ordinances in the face of the variants that are causing closures of regional territorial sub-areas .