Covid, the union attack: “Close the food markets during the holidays in Sardinia”


The categories write to Solinas and Chessa: “It is unfair not to leave the workers with their families on Christmas and New Years days”

CAGLIARI. “The possibility offered by the national decree to leave hypermarkets, supermarkets and grocery stores open on December 25 and 26, January 1 and 6, in addition to being completely useless, is an injustice towards workers who are forced to leave their homes at their domicile. families even in the red days established by the national government itself. This was supported by the categories of commerce, Filcams Cgil, Fisascat Cisl and Uiltucs Uil who, with a letter to President Solinas and Councilor Chessa, request the closure of all food businesses.

“The belief that in the holidays it is necessary to guarantee the food subsistence of the families is completely unfounded – said the regional secretaries Nella Milazzo (Filcams), Giuseppe Atzori (Fisascat) and Cristiano Ardau (Uiltucs) – exposing even more the workers who they lavish themselves during the hardest periods of confinement to the risks and difficulties related to the health emergency ».

We believe it is appropriate for the Region to implement all actions to protect citizens, also because it could be difficult on those days to guarantee the quota and the possibility for citizens to leave home to buy at the supermarket that they can easily do on other days ” . (HANDLE).
