Covid, the true number of deaths in Istat data for March and April: the figure rises to 19 thousand deaths


The new coronavirus caused more deaths than the official figures recorded since bulletin of the ministry of the salitas. About 20,000 more in the first two months of the outbreak, judging byme data on deaths in Italy what do you read between the folds of the monthly demographic balance ofState, relative to the first four months of 2020. A year that had started positively for the health of Italians also due to a not very aggressive seasonal flu and a not too rigid climate.In fact, from the data we read that the deaths in January 2020 were 60,988, 4,687 less than the 65,675 in the first month of 2019. The same for the month of February, with deaths that fell from 4,040 to 55,250. A total of 116,238 deaths in the first two months of 2020 and a saving of 8,727 lives compared to 2019 when there were 124,965 deaths.

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A figure that would also deny those who pointed out that the new coronavirus was already running in Italy at the beginning of the year or at least that if it did, it was not at all lethal. Then came the cold shower on February 20, with the formalization of the first Italian case of Covid-19, Mattia Maestri, 38, hospitalized at the Codogno hospital in the province of Lodi. The next day, the first victim, Adriano Trevisan, 78, was registered at the Padua hospital. Since then, an escalation of infected, hospitalized and victims of Covid-19 has begun. On February 23, the first red zones are implemented in 10 municipalities of the Lodigiano and in Vo ‘in the province of Padua, on March 9, when the official victims were 463, the closure of the entire country was announced with an escape from Lombardy in the night. And then, on March 18, the images of the column of 70 military vehicles that transport the coffins of the dead of the Covid-19 of the Bergamo outbreak of Nembro and Alzano Lombardo are broadcast, probably the scene that most frightened and kept the Italians at home.

A little over two months after the start of the epidemic in Italy and after 50 days of closure, the newsletter of the Ministry of Health recorded 27,967 deaths from or with Covid-19 out of a total of 205,463 cases. A number by itselfit is impressive, but according to the mayor of Bergamo, Giorgio Gori, as regards the common outbreaks of the Bergamo area, it was certainly inferior to reality: «Ithe number of deaths exceeds those registered in hospitals» why «people die at home and are not registered».

Now, from Istat comes the data confirmation that these official figures have been underestimated and not only in the Bergamo area. In fact, in March in Italy there were 84,989 deaths with an increase of 27,237 deaths compared to 57,752 in the same month of 2019. In April then, 70,957 deaths were registered, 19,613 more than those of 2019. In the two months of maximum intensity of the coronavirus Considering Italy as a whole, mortality increased by 43%, from 109,096 to 155,946 deaths for a total of 46,850 more victims. If we make the difference between the 27,967 deaths from or with Covid19 and the total increase in deaths recorded in March and April, there are 18,883 more that, in large part, could be other untold victims of the virus.

Of course, in recent months there has been talk of many other diseases that have been neglected due to confinement and fear of the risk of contagion. However, it must be considered that in those 50 days of blockage, precisely because of the impossibility of a normal life, there were fewer accidents and fewer traumatic deaths, due to fatigue, due to displacement that could have compensated at least part of the lack of treatment. And all the rest could dive into Covid-19.

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