Covid, the tracking has resumed the thread. In ten days the accumulation is erased


Giovanna Arlotto, health assistant in the Florence Hygiene Center of Asl Toscana
Giovanna Arlotto, health assistant in the Florence Hygiene Center of Asl Toscana

Florence, November 13, 2020 – exist good news too. The virus appears to be slowing down – there are some encouraging signs in the numbers. Apart from the decrease in cases (yesterday in Tuscany 1,932, of which 498 in the province of Florence), which alone does not make spring. For the first time in this second pandemic wave, yesterday in Careggi, the number of discharges (19) exceeded the number of hospitalizations (16). The incidence of positives in swabs performed fell to 24.3% after having exceeded the 30% threshold in recent days.
The weekly growth of boxes went from 1.8, almost double, to a trend of 1.1. Do you breathe Not yet, because the wave of hospitalizations comes after the peak of cases two weeks. Therefore, we still have to fight. In the hospital and outside, to see the sun again.
And while he hopes to witness the actual flattening of the contagion curve, hoping that it will soon begin to decline, finally Tuscany resumes the tracking line. One of the fundamental “t’s” (test, trace, treat) was skipped to contain the contagion due to the exponential growth in the number of positives and the scarcity of resources at the disposal of the ASL Prevention departments.
Since when The tracking battleship was deployed a week ago, it is still not working with the 500 contact trackers needed to analyze the backlog, but it is starting to produce more than comforting results.
In florence A total of 2,000 traces were made yesterday, so in addition to clearing the load of daily cases and those of the previous day that were pending, the accumulation of arrears was also attacked.
While waiting for the 55 people who are still missing for the count of 250, the plan of the ASL Toscana center foresees the zeroing of the load left in ten days. And if it’s two more days, be patient.
Of fundamental It is important to learn from this lesson. When this new emergency is over, the 250 trackers will not be able to disappear. If that happens, politics cannot cry if we are faced with a third wave pandemic to face. If there is something that you did not have to wait for the virus to know, it is better than cure. Of a commercial banality. If it is true that with the crazy figures of an exponential growth of contagion, the army would not be enough to track down, when the figures are lowered, to limit the infection to outbreaks, identify and isolate them, prevent new fires from breaking out.
Prevention We forget in times of peace. It seems like a useless cost when the price of health does not exist. However, now we pay for it, even considerably. Health must be promoted, even before protecting it with prevention. Let’s think about it. It is not useless to intervene on correct lifestyles, on habits. Because it saves health.
