From Mazara del Vallo to Rovigo: Covid departments reopen along the trunk and on the islands. Structures that had withstood the shock of the first wave and had not seen a patient for weeks are beginning to painfully populate again, as in the early days of the pandemic. Others, created precisely in light of the dreaded second wave of a large-scale return of infections, are opening their doors only now. Even if no one wanted it. While cases are multiplying throughout Italy, marching at a rate of almost 2,000 confirmed infections per day (yesterday a slight decrease, 1,869 positive), the Regions are preparing to manage the impact of a phase with still unknown contours. One thing is certain: Critical patients requiring hospitalization are increasing at a dizzying rate: + 160% in one month. There were 1,055 on August 26, yesterday they were almost triple: 2,746. Not to mention the 247 patients in intensive care.
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In Emilia-Romagna, Covid beds are multiplying on the agenda. On Thursday in Modena, for the first time in two months, some Covid patients were transferred to intensive care at the Polyclinic. A few days earlier, in Cesena, the Bufalini hospital had reopened a room dedicated to Covid-19 patients: it had been closed since July. In Campania on Thursday the Covid Center of the Loreto Mare hospital in Naples reopened. In Liguria, on Friday one of the two Geriatrics departments of Galliera, in Genoa, was transformed into “Geriatrics Covid”, only for older people suffering from coronavirus. The San Martino Polyclinic, also in Genoa, is reopening a Covid department in a structure installed in April, in total closure. In Lombardy, in Como, 10 beds were reactivated on Friday in Villa’s hospital: Sant’Anna’s infectious diseases department was full.
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In Lazio, since the end of phase 1, the Region has implemented an “accordion” mechanism, which widens or shrinks, like beds, according to the curve of the epidemic. Given that the bulletins registered 200 cases a day for a week, a first update has been made in the main Covid hubs: 127 patients are hospitalized at the Spallanzani institute, 14 in intensive care. A month ago, on August 26, 74 were hospitalized, 4 in intensive care. “There is an increase in hospitalizations outside of intensive care and also in intensive care where the average age has reached 54 years,” said Francesco Vaia, Spallanzani’s medical director. “At the Columbus hospital we had 20 hospitalized at the end of August, now there are 109 beds occupied, plus 17 in intensive care,” says Rocco Bellantone, director of the clinical government of the Gemelli polyclinic, the “Covid 2 Hospital” in Rome. Here the “accordion” can be expanded up to 120 places for ordinary hospitalization, plus 59 for intensive care. At the Umberto I polyclinic, the area of the emergency room for “mild” cases has just been cleared to make room for the beds of Covid patients.
On Tuesday, with 2,390 cases of coronavirus throughout Sicily, the Trapani health company reactivated the Covid department of the Abele Ajello hospital in Mazara del Vallo, enabled precisely before a possible second wave. In Trentino, Councilor Stefania Segnana has proposed for a week the reopening of a Covid room “to be prepared for a possible increase in hospitalizations.” In Veneto, in Rovigo, already at the beginning of September, the Covid de Trecenta Hospital reopened, with 80 beds. In Abruzzo, the Covid room was reactivated in the so-called “G8”, the small hospital next to San Salvatore, built on the occasion of the 2009 summit.
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As Andrea Crisanti, Professor of Microbiology at the University of Padua, explains, the expert who suggested to the Veneto Region the line to follow in the most difficult days of the emergency, “during the first wave, many aids were installed and now they are being reactivated “. Crisanti is convinced” that Italy is ready, although today the system is not really under tension. And we hope it never will be. “The virologist sees” the model that we had implemented in Veneto applied in many regions, a more extensive model than the classic contact tracing, because it foresees carrying out controls not only of the close contacts of an infected person but of the entire circle of possible interactions. “This, he adds,” is also the reason why we find so many asymptomatic patients. Others countries are in a situation out of control. It will be important for us to understand the effects of the reopening of schools: we will see them in a couple of weeks. “Other departments they are ready to reopen.
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