
Florence, November 15, 2020 – Il peak from positive cases in Tuscany it may already have been achieved in the week of November 2-8. The darkest week for our region since the beginning of the epidemic. The one whose data made us cross the alert threshold in the risk classification based on the monitoring of the Higher Institute of Health, determining the passage from the orange band to Red zone.
In the week ending today and which, for the moment, registers 13,804 positives, it is unlikely -with the sum of cases today- that it will exceed the 16,304 reached from November 2 to 8. If the effect is the consequence of a lower circulation of the virus due to the progressive restrictions or the maximum capacity reached to perform swabs, we will see it later. Yesterday the record of 19,184 swabs performed was reached (to which are added 2,493 rapid antigen tests). If there is, the effect of the flattening of the contagion curve will not immediately translate into a reduction in pressure on hospitals. “The red zone First you had to decide: with a shorter period of sacrifices, better results would be obtained both for health and for the economy – it is the idea of Pierluigi blanc, Director of Infectious Diseases at the Ponte a Niccheri hospital, on the outskirts Florence – In any case, better late than never: we will see results in a couple of weeks, but at least the hospitals will not explode ”.
We will have to wait two weeks, Thus. Even if the first signs of “relief” have already occurred with a reduction in the average number of daily hospitalizations. With the red zone, healthcare workers and general managers breathe, especially directors of health, ASL and university hospital companies in the daily search for beds.
“Perhaps the measure should have taken place earlier – says the teacher Carlo Nozzoli, Director of Medicine 1 Covid di Careggi – I am not one of those doctors who are fanatical of the confinement, rather I say that they give us beds and resources to heal everyone. The closure causes economic and psychosocial repercussions that I think can be avoided with a better organization ”. The Grossetano and Siena also in this second wave are confirmed as the least affected areas. Reason why the governor Eugenio Giani He is determined to ask the government to relax measures for those areas.
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