Liguria. InCovid Emergency a real cold shower, at least for those who were convinced of an improvement in the health situation and a gradual return to normalcy in 2021, also thanks to the vaccination plan. Here are the words of the president of the order of doctors of Liguria Alessandro Bonsignore: “We are not witnessing that constant drop that we would have expected, also due to the relaxation of the measures. Unfortunately, we know that in January there will surely be a third wave of Covid and it is likely to be worse than the second because we will not get there with hospitals ‘discharged’ and it will be concomitant with the flu. Also, there is likely to be a fourth wave in March. “
The doctor spoke during a direct Facebook inviting Ligurians to respect the rules of “distancing, masks and hand washing” also and especially during the Christmas holidays, despite the fact that Liguria had fallen into the yellow risk range for a few days .
In recent days, virologist Matteo Bassetti also reiterated that a third wave is very likely but perhaps we had not yet pushed ourselves to predict the possibility of a fourth wave with such certainty.
According to Bonsignore “the trend of this pandemic is completely comparable to that of the Spanish one” and we will have to get used to “a 2021 all with a mask because it will take all of next year to achieve collective immunity with 80% of the vaccinated population” . “In Liguria, the vaccination campaign should begin in January with the health personnel most exposed to the risk of contagion.
“The trend of the Covid pandemic is exactly the same as the Spanish one, so we know where we are going – concludes the president of the Order of Ligurian Doctors – Only with the vaccine will the course be reversed and this trend will be broken. We will not reach the third wave with a reduction in infections as happened between the first and second because we are in a winter period and the ongoing openings mean that there will not be a significant reduction in infections ”.