Covid, the number of new infected decreases both in Prato (12) and in Tuscany. The doctor of Prato dies
The figure that confirms the braking of the curve does not correspond to a similar decrease in deaths, which were 45 throughout the region, three of them in Prato
New cases of coronavirus contagion are declining decisively, which were only 12 in Prato (a number that had not seen this low in weeks) and 332 in all of Tuscany. But, unfortunately, there is no indication that the death curve will decrease again, given that even today the Region’s bulletin reports 45 new victims of covid in Tuscany (average age 82), three of them in Prato. One of the dead from Prato is a 63-year-old doctor, Riccardo Biagioli, who specializes in insurance and legal medicine. He died in Careggi hospital after contracting covid on October 22. The other two victims are two men aged 89 and 90, both of whom died in Santo Stefano.
Meanwhile, the decline in new positives should also be registered today with a total of 8,572 swabs analyzed, of which 3.9% were positive. Instead, 2,765 subjects were evaluated (of which 12% were positive). To these are added the 4,135 rapid antigenic swabs that are being made today.
The average age of cases today is approximately 46 years. Those cured grew 1.6% (1,502 more than yesterday). The current positives are, therefore, today 16,264, -7%. There are 1,370 hospitalized in Tuscan hospitals (33 less than yesterday), of which 214 in intensive care (4 more). In Santo Stefano, on the other hand, 82 of the 106 beds available in the medical area and 14 of the 20 in intensive care are occupied by covid patients. On the other hand, in the La Melagrana di Narnali center, there are 41 patients with a single free bed, while in the old Mercy and Dolce building there are 33 patients out of a total of 36 available places.