Covid, the number of hospitals. There are 13 thousand people from Modena at home


Also in the week 9-16 of November the epidemic trend showed in the province of Modena a particularly fast growing trend in terms of new positive cases, contacts and hospitalizations. As a result, healthcare companies are rapidly and constantly changing the organization of healthcare facilities. To date, covid areas have been enabled in all hospitals in the network.

Looking at the numbers, based on the planned reinforcement during the first wave in relation to the need to be able to follow the subjects as much as possible, keeping them safe at home, The weight of the burden of home care is clear: to date there are more than 7,700 positive patients at home., while in the first emergency the maximum peak of 2120 was reached. Beyond that there are more than 5,200 people in close contact and returning from risk areas in home isolation.

They have been turn on the Usca (Special continuity care units), one for each of the seven districts, with two-four teams that go out simultaneously in each territory: They already see 86 doctors working, which will soon rise to 100. District operations centers are under construction (for greater coordination of actions in integration with Doctors, Pediatricians, Usca and medical guard / continuity of care), home care and the use of remote telemonitoring tools for chronic patients and covid +.

Tamponi, tried one out of every 3 Modenese

Considering the total swabs performed since the beginning of the epidemic until November 16 (including control swabs to determine cure), the more than 233 thousand swabs performed and have been tested more than 139 thousand people. The total of positives reported at the regional level for the province of Modena is 16,145 (as of November 16).

The use of qualitative rapid antigenic swabs as a screening tool in various areas, including nursing homes (patients and operators), allowing you to have a result in about 15 minutes. The first regional supply was 41,000 kits, in addition to another 11,200 for general practitioners. A rapid buffer point was also activated for the school population on the Modena Drive through, with the aim of extending service to the provincial level. In this case, the quick swabs (already performed, in the first three days of activity, more than 500 tests) are processed by a technology that allows obtaining the result in about 30 minutes, but is capable of handling a larger number of swabs. y Keep a record of the result which is then sent via text message. Finally, fast tampons are also used in emergency rooms in the province.

Cases of positivity

On November 16 they were confirmed in the province of Modena. 8,256 cases of people with ongoing Covid-19 infection (they were 5,829 on November 9). Of these, 7718 are isolated, at home or in other facilities, 538 hospitalized.

Total admissions

On November 16 I am 538 patients assisted under the Recovery in hospitals in the province due to Covid-19. Of the total admissions, 329 are in the AOU hospitals of Modena (193 in the Polyclinic, 136 in the Civil Hospital of Baggiovara), the remaining 134 in the provincial hospitals (Carpi, Mirandola, Vignola, Pavullo) and 75 people in the Sassuolo Spa Hospital which, like all hospitals, in recent weeks has converted some hospitalization areas to receive covid patients.

Intensive care

According to the data reported yesterday in the regional bulletin, 62 intensive care places are available in the hospitals of the University Hospital of Modena (November 64 to 17).

People in home isolation

Positive cases at home (cases and contacts), symptomatic and asymptomatic, are also increasing rapidly. On November 16 they were a total of 7,718 covid-positive people in home isolation (5,377 on November 9 last). People in home isolation 70 stay at the Tiby hotel dedicated to covid positive people and located in Modena. Finally, 29 patients are hospitalized in the two Osco Covid (Novi and Fanano).

I am 5232 (2854 last Monday) close contacts of confirmed cases in isolation. am 5 family assistants were also in solitary confinement at the Tiby hotel who are conducting preventive quarantine after returning from abroad.

Results of serological tests (updated to November 11)

The analysis of the results of serological tests (both those of screening carried out by employees of the Health Authorities, nursing homes, law enforcement agencies and social and health volunteers, as well as those carried out voluntarily by school personnel or privately by citizens), with known limits of sensitivity and non-optimal positive predictive values, allows an approximate estimate of the circulation of the virus in our territory.

As of November 11, 139,439 serological tests were performed, of which 7,886 were positive. In total, 94,794 people were tested, of which 4.2% were positive (4,004). This value is in line with the estimates available so far at the national level.

It is estimated that there are still a large number of people susceptible to infection. Therefore, the need to continue maintaining social distancing measures and continuing surveillance activities is confirmed.

The new positives in the region are down today: “The curve is smoothing”

Two stores open beyond deadlines, fines reach Sassuolo

Hospitals are now saturated, another 640 beds have been activated for Covid patients

From Novi to Carpi for a “better” drink, fined for moving
