Covid, the new orange areas: Abruzzo, Basilicata, Tuscany, Liguria and Umbria | Campania “postponed”, Bolzano red


“The situation continues to worsen and justifies the adoption of more restrictive interventions,” explained the director of the Ministry’s Prevention Department, Gianni Rezza.

The case of Campania – Pending the final decision of the Ministry of Health, rumors from sources in the Region indicate that Campania is still in the yellow band. The control room would have judged at this moment stable the situation in Campania in the context of the Covid 19 emergency. At this moment, in fact, in the Italian panorama, the situation of the Campania health system is still considered capable of withstanding the lighter class in relation to infections and number of hospitalizations.

Measurements will start from Wednesday, after days of comings and goings between the government and the Regions, with the data struggling to reach Rome and constant pressure from the majority of governors for the executive to abandon the system of localized restrictions adopted with the Dpcm of 3 November in favor of a national measure. A general confinement that Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte still does not want and that, however, the doctors are also asking, has triggered the alarms for two days.

“If the figures continue to be these, the government will have to make important decisions that also include a total blockade,” reiterated the president of the Federation of doctors Filippo Anelli. “Only in this way can the rise of this curve be blocked, otherwise the health system will not hold.”

At the moment, however, we do not change. And that’s why: in the next 15 days Abruzzo, Basilicata, Umbria, Liguria and Tuscany will be in the orange zone. Compared to the measures already in force throughout Italy, there will be a ban on entering and leaving the Region and movement between Municipalities – except for reasons of work, study, health and need – and the closure of bars and restaurants throughout the day. On the other hand, schools will remain open and will be available for children, primary and secondary schools.

The even tougher confinement in the province of Bolzano, which the ministry has included in the red zone but, in fact, it has already been for several days: also shops are closed, except for food and pharmacies, and distance education also for second and third grade. Not only that: in Bolzano the mayor has further toughened the measures with an ordinance that allows motor activity no more than a kilometer from the house. “We have no alternatives”, is the laconic comment that comes from the provincial councilor for Health, Thomas Widmann.

The situation in the Orange Regions – Three of the five Regions in the orange zone have, for example, a positive / buffer ratio above the national average: 18% for Basilicata, 17.1% for Liguria and even 30% for Umbria. Not only that: already on November 3, when the Dpcm was signed, four out of five Regions had an occupancy rate for beds in ordinary rooms or intensive care units above the critical threshold: in addition to Basilicata, 31% of the medical area in Abruzzo, 46% of intensive care and 47% of the medical area in Umbria, 60% of ordinary wards in Liguria and 36% of intensive care in Tuscany. All five regions will stay in the orange zone for at least 15 days – in fact, if the data deteriorates further, it could turn red next week.

The governors’ reactions were different to the government elections. If Vito Bardi does not exclude even more restrictive measures for Basilicata and appeals to the “sense of responsibility of the Lucans so that they have responsible attitudes”, and that of Tuscany Eugenio Giani speaks of the need to make “now sacrifices to leave as soon as possible”, The President of Liguria, Giovanni Toti, says he is “perplexed” as the figures “are more or less similar to last week.” Although he himself confirms that the region’s hospitals are “under great pressure.”

Here are the measurements provided for each of the three risk bands linked to the Covid-19 pandemic into which Italy will be divided until December 3 as a result of the last Dpcm. Across the country, the curfew begins at 10 p.m.

Red zone – The most restrictive measures provided for by the decree are applied. Leaving the house must be motivated, bars, restaurants, shops are closed, dad is expected from the seventh grade onwards. It is forbidden to move from one municipality to another, as well as to leave or enter the region. Self-certification is also back for travel within a city.

Orange zone – Restaurants and bars are closed all day. The stores remain open. Only dad is expected in high school. Movement within a municipality is allowed, but it is not allowed to leave the municipality of residence, domicile or home. Entering or leaving the Region is prohibited.

Yellow zone – The “softer” restrictive measures provided by the Dpcm are applied. Restaurants and bars are open until 6:00 p.m., shops remain open until closing time. Shopping centers are closed on weekends. It is possible to move within the Region and from one yellow Region to another.
