Rome – Waiting, at this time, for the signing of the new Dpcm of measures against the coronavirus that should arrive tonight after the Government-Regions summit scheduled for the afternoon (it should remain in force until December 4). From what has been learned, there will not be a lockdown like the one he faced in the spring. The attempt being made is not to paralyze the country: it will not be a rigid blockade, but similar to the German model, “a light blockade.” So also the Undersecretary of Health Sandra Zampa of Rai Radio1 on Radio. “It is quite complicated – he explained – trying to make a tailoring measure based on zones, it is a huge effort we are making. The attempt is not to paralyze the country, I want to be clear. It will not be a rigid confinement, but similar to the German model. , light “. The meeting between the government, regions, provinces and municipalities on the new Dpcm, which should be launched in the next few hours, has been suspended. After receiving the draft of the text, the regional presidents requested a suspension to evaluate it.
More serious situation in some regions such as Lombardy, Piedmont and Calabria that run the risk of having to adopt the most restrictive measures. From the extension of distance learning to when everyone starts at home, there are several pending points. There will be a national framework, with valid interventions throughout Italy, and measures for individual territories, with the country divided into 3 bands that correspond to so many risk scenarios identified with “scientific and objective” criteria approved by the Higher Institute of Health: the higher is the spread of the virus, the more the health system suffers, the greater the restrictions. Calabria, therefore, runs the risk of adopting more drastic measures than other regions due to the epidemiological but also the health situation.
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