Covid, the hospitals with the most deaths in Lombardy: 351 deaths to Pope John


During the pandemic and on September 6 in hospitals in the province of Bergamo, 1,908 patients and 24 doctors and nurses died from Covid, in addition to 699 people who died at home.

These are the numbers that emerge from the responses that the Lombardy Region has given to three different questions presented by the regional councilors Niccolò Carretta and Elisabetta Strada who, to further clarify the impact of the Coronavirus in our territory, had requested to be able to access data related to health facilities and Rsa.

The Department of Social Welfare of the Lombardy Region has taken another step in the search for the truth, for a more faithful analysis of the progress of the pandemic.

Obviously, the reference is always to the numbers that Pirellone has always considered “official” (those subjected to swabs) and of which it has now also disclosed the exact distribution between hospitals, Rsa and deaths within the home.

It should be remembered, however, that this type of data is only a partial photograph of the pandemic phenomenon in Lombardy: the data published by Istat in May and related to mortality in March 2020 had already revealed it, showing a growth of 568% in Bergamo compared to the average for the same period between 2015 and 2019, for 5,919 deaths.

“The objective – explains Strada – It was to clarify which structures had operated in a virtuous way from the point of view of prevention and management of the infection, and where there had been very strong criticalities, in order to integrate and also modify health protocols and coronavirus management strategies , to avoid the repetition of the epidemic and deaths as we know them. We hope that this data will be thoroughly analyzed and safe and virtuous procedures will be adopted in all structures ”.

“In the Health Commission – adds Carretta from Bergamo – On September 9, I convinced the microphones turned on for maximum transparency in all the RSA data that the March resolution put in great difficulty (that of the transfer of patients from hospitals to the RSA ed) to continue developing the path of clarity what was the health crisis in our region. The Opposition Counselors, within the limits of our role and with the tools at our disposal, we will continue working to try to clarify what did not work because I believe that transparency and clarity are two essential elements of the relationship of trust that must exist between The Institution and Citizen “.

To highlight the number of deaths involving the personnel of health companies: four attributable to Asst Bergamo Est, a doctor, a nurse, a midwife and a non-health worker; because of all’Asst Papa Giovanni XXIII, an Oss and a non-healthcare worker; zero all’Asst Bergamo Ovest.

I am instead 18 Ats Bergamo employees missing: 9 doctors, 7 Oss, a nurse and another health worker.

As of September 7, there were 2,755 Covid-positive doctors, 4,952 nurses, 102 midwives, 1,917 Oss, 550 health technicians, 837 other health workers, 1,074 non-health workers, and 436 general practitioners across the region.

Among these are 35 doctors, 6 nurses, a midwife, 9 Oss, a health technician, 2 other health workers, four non-health professionals and 18 general practitioners died. The technical operator also died at the Soreu delle Alpi in Bergamo Diego Bianco.

The 1908 deaths in health facilities were mainly concentrated in the city, with 351 dead for Pope John (only in Cremona, 361, there were more), 286 for Humanitas Gavazzeni and 18 for the Beato Palazzolo nursing home. Then the Policlinico di Ponte San Pietro (237 deceased patients), the Bolognini di Seriate (207), the Policlinico San Marco di Zingonia (205) and the hospital of Treviglio and Caravaggio (173). One hundred and thirteen died also in the Romano di Lombardia hospital, while in Val Seriana there are 64 deaths in Pesenti Fenaroli in Alzano and 57 in the Piario hospital. Ninety-three dead in San Giovanni Bianco.

There are no details yet on the deaths at RSA, of which only a general photograph is available.

In the province of Bergamo there were seven structures (out of 18 at the regional level) that were made available to accommodate Covid patients transferred from hospitals: Ponte San Pietro Rest Home Foundation Onlus de Ponte San Pietro, Francesco Balicco Foundation of Martinengo, Honneger Foundation Casa Albergo – Residence for the elderly in Albino, Rsa Vaglietti Corsini Onlus Foundation of Cologno al Serio, Institute of Capuchin Sisters Residence San Francesco in Bergamo, Institute Palazzolo Residence for the elderly in Torre Boldone and Don Orione in Bergamo.

In total 210 patients were transferred to the 18 regional structures that gave their approval that, just to underline, had already registered positive cases in Covid before receiving them.

Analyzing only these RSAs, as of July 31 there were 719 positive guests at the 163 dead: in all Lombard Healthcare Residences, on the other hand, there were 14,703 positives and 3,378 dead. In contrast, 2,352 were hospitalized and discharged.

Among the people who died at home that the Region includes in the list of Covid deaths there are also 699 from Bergamo: 95 only in the city, 19 in Nembro and Zogno, 17 in Alzano, Seriate and Treviglio, 16 in Albino, 15 in Dalmine, 14 in Clusone, 10 in Scanzorosciate and 460 divided into another 165 with less than 10 cases each.
