
There is a portion of Italy free from the epidemic. Or better, where miraculously the Sars CoV-2 runs very little and has affected only 0.45% of the population, less than half of the 1.1% registered yesterday by the Italian average and four times less than the same figure in Veneto. or Campania.

We are talking about the province of Trento, actually one of the most beautiful Italian territories. Inhabited by 540,000 people known so far for their mildness and industriousness, but not for being nearly immune to viruses.
However, looking with a magnifying glass at the table published every day by the Ministry of Health and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, there is a fact that jumps out: the “currently positive”, that is, infected people, are very few in Trentino. , yesterday only 2,439. One for every 221 inhabitants. Things from Covid-free states like South Korea or New Zealand.
The anomaly is truly gigantic. A few rows higher on the same orderly ministerial table, the cousins of the Bolzano province (which has 520,000 inhabitants, in short, equivalent to Trentino) report 10,651 infected. Four times more. One infected every 50 people. Not to mention neighboring Veneto, which yesterday registered 85,093 cases against 73,000 on December 4. They also have to dribble a Covid-19 carrier for every 50 people or so and for a week they have been very concerned because Veneto is the region that reports the most daily infections in Italy.
A crown so thorny that yesterday the president of the Veneto Region, the Northern League player Luca Zaia, decided to take it out of his head to ask – with a very small letter sent to the Ministry of Health – that it be assigned to those who really they deserve, even if they are from their own party. Yes, because according to the data, it is precisely the very virtuous Trentino led by the North League player Maurizio Fugatti, the Region, sorry to the Province (autonomous) that in recent days has jumped to the fore in Italy in the race for contagions.
“It is a scandal unworthy of a European society, like that of Trentino, with transparency in its DNA”, attacks Davide Bassi, professor of experimental physics, former rector of the University of Trento who now works in Genoa and Switzerland and has no interest in Trentino. The physicist, one of the promoters of a petition in favor of the correction signed by 3,000 people from Trentino, the order of the doctors and Confindustria, registered the positives of the molecular tests and the quick swabs from December 3 to 9 and discovered that among 100,000 inhabitants of Trento it reached 513 cases and Venice to 457. Again: in that same week and for every 100,000 inhabitants, Trento had 8.9 hospitalized in intensive care and 6.5 in Veneto, while deaths from Covid soared to 13 in Trentino, 30% more than 10.5 in Veneto.
So the question is: how did Trent manage to hide the severity of his pandemic? Exploiting a technicality: he does not declare infected people identified with the quick swab in Rome, puts them in isolation and then has them checked with the molecular after 10 days, when most are cured. The Province does not deny it but says it is not a trick, because the ministry did not require adding the positives of the two swabs. The fact is that this sum is made by many Regions, starting with Veneto, which have chosen to fight the virus in all areas, even at the cost of ending up in the red band. Trentino, on the other hand, has always remained in the yellow zone despite the stratospheric occupation of 70% of its intensive care beds.
«At this point – sighs Professor Bassi – three questions ask for an answer: who has to pay for the higher mortality caused by the generalized low alarm in Trentino? What damage has been done to neighboring regions that have behaved correctly by closing schools or businesses? And why is the ministry and the Higher Institute of Health, which also knew everything, get caught by the nose? ».