Covid, the government-regions summit has begun. Decides on restaurants, smart work, and curfews


The coronavirus runs and the government does not stop. There is no time to waste like this, since this morning a new meeting has been held between the Regions and local authorities on measures to contain the Covid epidemic. In fact, the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, has called a summit with the Regions, Anci and Upi. The meeting is also attended by the Minister of the University, Gaetano Manfredi and the Commissioner of Emergencies, Domenico Arcuri, the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, the Minister of the School, Lucia Azzolina, the Minister of Transport, Paola De Micheli, and the head of civil protection, Angelo Borrelli.

The meeting is attended by the president of the Conference of the Regions Stefano Bonaccini, Upi Michele De Pascale, Anci Antonio De Caro. There are also the vice president of the Conference of the Regions, Giovanni Toti, and the president of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana. Also present, always remotely, are numerous councilors. And in the evening, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte should speak at a press conference.

Yesterday a series of meetings between the Government, the Regions and the CTS took place throughout the day and in the afternoon Prime Minister Conte, meeting his ministers, returned to address, after the signing of the decree on the maneuver, the subject of the new squeeze to prevent the spread of Covid19 infections.

Smart work
Decision is made: 75% of workers will need to stay in smart work. A measure that aims to limit contacts within offices, but also to reduce presences in public transport. This is a measure that concerns public employees, but it can also be adopted in the private sector with specific agreements. The CTS issued a favorable opinion and the governors also gave their consent.

The curfew
Limiting the movement of citizens divides the government and in the end it seems excluded from being foreseen in the new Dpcm. In fact, the prohibition to park in front of public places after 9:00 p.m. is still in force and is currently considered sufficient to avoid meetings. A possible restriction would contemplate the possibility of leaving after the time allowed only for “proven needs”, for work or urgent reasons, with self-certification.

Bars and restaurants

The hypothesis of restaurant closing times also clashes within the government. Prime Minister Conte would like the blinds to be lowered at 10pm, while some ministers would aim to close at midnight. Therefore, we are working on mediation to reach an agreement that provides for a stop at the restaurants from 11:00 p.m., a measure that, however, as the trade unions have claimed, would strongly penalize the activities. The decree could also include a limitation of 6 seats per table. On the other hand, home delivery is allowed.

Close the sale of alcohol
A new tightening should refer to the sale of alcoholic beverages to take away, which is allowed no later than 6:00 p.m., but for bars, the mandatory closure should be at 9:00 p.m.

Gyms and amateur sports
Now it appears certain, in the new dcpm of the Prime Minister, the obligation to close the gyms and the prohibition of amateur contact sports. Futsal, basketball and other contact sports are now prohibited at the amateur level and, with the new decree, the measure will also affect amateur associations and clubs, including therefore schools for children and adolescents. In recent days there has been an attempt by some clubs to join Coni-affiliated fan organizations to circumvent the restrictions. And so it was decided to impose a grip on everyone.

Hairdressers and beauty centers
Hairdressers and beauty centers will stay out of the measures that will bring new rules for commercial establishments. Initially, the total closure of these activities was expected, but the government has chosen not to impose restrictions.

The school
The Minister of Education, Lucia Azzolina, in an interview with Repubblica reiterated the importance of face-to-face teaching for students. Yesterday’s meetings with the governors of the Regions showed the desire to reach an agreement on the staggering of admission times to primary, secondary and university schools, to also lighten the load of local public transport. The Presidents of the Regions may also decide on the possible adoption of distance education for students in the last two years of secondary school.

Sports activities and amateur sports
The legal gambling sector and sports activities could also come at the expense of the new measures. From the most restrictive hypothesis of the closure of all gyms and swimming pools to that of prohibiting only contact sports practiced in an amateur way.
