With an average of 4-5000 new positives per week, Friuli Venezia Giulia is still in the middle of the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic and we will have to wait for infections to drop below 600 before lowering our guard. Also because the increase in cases in the region occurred with a delay of a couple of weeks compared to the rest of the country and, consequently, the slowdown is delayed.
This is the general message given this afternoon by the heads of regional health, convened electronically by the president of the III commission, Ivo Moras (Lega), and communicated by the Palmanova Civil Protection operating room, where he was present the lieutenant governor. with the responsibility of Health, Riccardo Riccardi, who preferred to let the technicians speak before expressing his final summary.
“I am also part of the category of those concerned – said the lieutenant governor at the end of the five-hour debate -: we must not be superficial or catastrophic, but have the nerve to govern this situation, which is a true emergency. I feel that someone is considering it unjustifiable to have arrived unprepared for the second phase, however we went from 200 to 2000 swabs per day during the first phase, and now the numbers are much more important ”.
“As for the hospitals – Riccardi continued – I did not accuse anyone, but between 2013 and 2018 700 beds were cut, and 400 beds were added from 2018 to 2020.”
“It is not true that we are worse than the others,” concluded Riccardi, who announced that he is already working to organize, in concert with the Government, “the largest vaccination in history, with an estimated budget of between 50 and 60 thousand.” dose “.
The committee session was requested by the leaders of the group of the opposition forces, who at the beginning of the debate formulated a detailed series of questions about the critical issues that have emerged in recent weeks in the fight against the virus.
The leader of the Democratic Party, Sergio Bolzonello, said he was concerned about the conflicts that recently arose “between the general management of two companies and a part of the health and medical personnel,” while his fellow councilor, Roberto Cosolini, asked for clarity on the procedures. . linked to buffers and hiring plans to address staff shortages. Mariagrazia Santoro (Pd) focused on the procedures implemented in nursing homes and on the bed occupancy rate, calling for a more massive use of telemedicine to follow up patients in isolation at home.
Massimo Moretuzzo, group leader of the Pact for Autonomy, asked for clarity on the corporate documents issued after the first wave, to understand if the difficulties we are experiencing were foreseeable or not. “The citizens assail us with questions – said Ilaria Dal Zovo (M5s) – without making a difference between the majority and the Opposition. And we don’t want to use critical issues as a weapon against someone ”. Party colleague Andrea Ussai raised in particular the problem of the Usca units and home care. Simona Liguori (Citizens), also representing the leader of the group Tiziano Centis, listed a series of critical issues highlighted in the area and the subject of a document that was delivered to the president of the Moras commission.
Furio Honsell, director of Open Fvg, focused on the letter from the doctors of the emergency room in Udine: “I expected – he said – a detailed response from the general manager, which instead was very general and inappropriate. That letter shakes everyone the citizens”.
The colleague of the Mixed Group, Walter Zalukar, considers the decision to host Covid patients in the two Trieste hospitals “serious” and finds the justifications given “contradictory. Promiscuity between Covid and non-Covid patients is not good, and also the ways hospitable they are not. ” it has been properly separated. “
Health officials responded to all of these requests. Gianna Zamaro, central director of the Health department, and epidemiologist Fabio Barbone, scientific director of Burlo Garofolo in Trieste, explained the second wave referring to the summer period: “The return of the holidays – said Zamaro – for us it is often from in abroad, especially from Croatia, and this has given way to new cases. We were concerned about the reopening of schools, but in the end the cases were few. The average age of the deceased is 85 years, and almost all were affected by other On the other hand, the cases in closed communities are worrisome, such as the outbreak in Tolmezzo prison ”.
“In terms of hospitalization rate – announced the epidemiologist Barbone – we are now the twelfth region of Italy, while at the end of September we were 19. Now 630 are hospitalized for Covid, 59 of which are in intensive care”.
Before giving the floor to the heads of the different territorial companies, the general director of Arcs, Giuseppe Tonutti, wanted to clarify the problem of beds, raised by more than one councilor: “In 2010 – he said – there were more than 5,300, then Over the years they have been reduced by a thousand units and finally rose today to about 4,750,400 more than last year. They were national decisions that the Region was adapting to, and there was also restriction on staff. “As for non-covid” neglected “patients, Tonutti explained:” We were among the first to resume screening and traveled 2 -3 months later than in 2019, no more. “
These more general examinations were followed by reports from those responsible for companies in the area: Antonio Poggiana, CEO of AsuGi, explained the choice of the two Trieste-Covid hospitals, while Massimo Braganti, CEO of AsuFc, responded to criticism linked to the letter from emergency room doctors, saying he was ready to meet with operators and unions to discuss the problems that arose. Joseph Polimeni, CEO of AsFo, instead detailed the situation in western Friuli.
Finally Riccardi recalled the next great game that the Region will have to face, which is linked to anti-Covid vaccines. “This – said the executive representative – will be the largest plan in our history which, following the indications that the government will also give us, presents great complexity also of an organizational nature. We are already working on this front. , with an initial supply of vaccines for our region of 120 thousand doses, to be used in the aid already identified ”.