The first Dpcm of Mario Draghi, which will be in force from Saturday, is considered in Palazzo Chigi adequate to face the rise of infections, especially because it offers administrators the tools to intervene in a timely and fast way where necessary, with the school closings and with other “dark” local areas.
More restrictions – On Friday, the Ministry of Health will tighten the measures in several territories, including Lombardy, which proclaimed the dark orange since midnight and registered more than five thousand positive swabs in 24 hours. Also in the rest Campania, Emilia-Romagna and Abruzzo, which could be added in red to Molise and Basilicata. Calabria, which will close all schools, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto move towards orange, while Lazio remains between yellow and orange until the end. In the Marche region, where Ancona is already a red zone, since Saturday near Macerata.
Managing the pandemic – The movements of the new leaders of the emergency structure are expected, the commissioner Francesco Figliuolo and the head of Civil Protection Fabrizio Curcio, who will meet on Friday with the Regions together with the ministers Roberto Speranza and Mariastella Gelmini. The management of the pandemic from now on will be under the Civil Protection model, which is territorial and timely. News and data seem to indicate that the virus is chasing, driven by variants, primarily the English one, rather than anticipating it, and that the third wave is in full swing.
The number of vaccines – More than a million and a half vaccinated people in Italy have also received the second dose, the so-called booster. While as a whole, according to data from the Ministry of Health, the administrations carried out are 4,841,993. It has exceeded one million administrations among those over 80. If vaccines, as experts in many sectors say, are slow, especially due to delays in deliveries, a change of course is expected at the end of the month.
The arrival of new doses and mass immunization – For the last days of March, according to the schedule of the Ministry of Health, 15.6 million doses are expected, another 52.4 from April to June, when the mass vaccination campaign should begin. And still almost 79 million in the third quarter, from July to September, and 28.2 million in the last three months of the year. The calendar only refers to deliveries and not to the administration, in which the newly appointed Emergency Commissioner and the Head of Civil Protection are also working.
Italy blocks the export of AstraZeneca vaccines: it is the first in the EU – Mario Draghi’s Italy is the first of the 27 EU member states to block, according to the EU Commission, the export of vaccines produced by AstraZeneca. In the specific case, more than 250 thousand doses packed at the Anagni plant and destined for Australia.
Mario Draghi’s “no” – The Italian Prime Minister’s move comes as a result of the non-deliveries of the Anglo-Swedish giant, reduced to 25% (that is, to 40 million doses) in the first quarter compared to what it had promised to do, and more generally. the shortage of immunizers in the Union. A decision in total coherence with the line drawn by Draghi himself at the summit of Heads of State and Government last week and supported by several leaders, including the French Emmanuel Macron and the Dutch Mark Rutte: at the time of the In the absence of vaccines, it is necessary to do everything necessary to increase their availability, acting on all levers, including exports.
EU “outperformed” by the UK – The export brake was invoked on the basis of the instrument launched by Brussels to control the movement of roads leaving for third countries, precisely in response to AstraZeneca’s non-compliance. In fact, despite the fact that the EU had invested 870 million euros in the pre-purchase contract with the Anglo-Swedish giant to stock ready-to-use doses with the EMA green light, it encountered a handful of flies. , surpassed at great speed by a United Kingdom that has claimed for itself all the doses produced in the British sites. In fact, two of the four of the contract signed by the EU.