You can read it however you want, but the figures do not lie: from the beginning of the pandemic until the end of November, the Province has publicly provided “false” data, that is, far below the reality of infections. The former rector of the University of Trento, physical professor Davide Bassi, writes it on his personal blog. And this time it gives us the litmus test, with the data (real and false) related to the Municipality of Trento. Professor Bassi writes:
False data and true data of infections in the municipality of Trento: a comparison
Despite the fact that the autonomous province of Trento has been forced to disclose full data on SARS-CoV-2 infections for about ten days, we have not been told anything about what happened last November. In Piazza Dante the mouths are sewn and despite the presence of many dedicated press articles on the subject (which also appeared nationally, yesterday at the Messaggero di Roma) the line seems to deny the evidence, also thanks to the deafening silence. of the Ministry of Health and the National Institute of Health.
Fortunately, thanks to the transparency operation launched by many mayors of Trentino, we were able to collect a lot of information that allows us to understand the real scope of the phenomenon. The Municipality of Trento kindly sent me the historical data of the positives currently during the last month. The data cannot be automatically extended to all of Trentino, but it is very useful to understand what happened.
Here is the graph I built based on data provided by the Trento City Council. These are the data that the Province had to communicate to the Mayors by law because they were currently positive people who have been quarantined.
me Red dots correspond to the positives currently verified with molecular swabs that appear in the official statistics of the Province. THE blue dots correspond to all currently positive (sum of molecular and antigenic). All data refer only to citizens who reside in the municipality of Trento. Data source: Municipality of Trento.
We note that on November 9, the first day for which data are available, there was already a significant difference between provincial data (red) and true data (blue). Until the second decade of November, the two curves show a divergent trend, with the red data slowly declining, while the blue data was on the strong rise. At the time of maximum divergence, the actual number of positives currently residing in the municipality of Trento was more than 6 times the official number.
[fonte: blog del professor Davide BASSI https://dbassi48.blogspot.com/2020/12/i-dati-fasulli-e-dati-veri-dei-contagi.html?m=1]
Last November 25 the Trento City Council begins to publish real values on its website of infections and their distribution by age groups and districts. At about the same time there is a strong trend reversal. The separation between red and blue data (in practice antigenic positives) is rapidly reduced. Note the paradox: from the end of November onwards, the true positives are currently declining dramatically, while the official ones (reported by PAT) show a slight increase.
I think the chart needs no further comment.
And he concluded: “My most sincere thanks to the mayors of the municipalities who informed their citizens about the real state of the pandemic in Trentino during the month of November.”
An article quickly shared online by the mayor of Trento, Franco Ianeselli.
Trentino President Maurizio Fugatti responded on the issue at the press conference. explaining that the Province has not communicated the data of the rapid tests “because the government did not ask for them, now they ask for them and we communicate them.”
Regarding the molecular confirmation test to be carried out immediately after the rapid, in case of positivity, Fugatti cited a ministerial circular of October 30 according to which “it is not necessary to proceed immediately to the second test, it will be enough to do it within the tenth day. And in Trentino – Fugatti stressed – the person is immediately isolated to guarantee public health. This is essential “.
And on this argument, Fugatti added, it should be remembered that the Regions are moving a bit in no particular order because at this time there is no precise regulation on handling fast buffers.
“Whoever wrote that article about Messenger will take responsibility for it. For our part, we will see if the ministry asks us something about it. I know that our crisis management works and is guided by high-level professionalism.
Today in the conference with the Minister of Health – concluded the president – we learned that the international authorities have officially recognized the antigen test, now we will see if the Italian government proceeds with the equalization of the two tests.
The case is also treated by the provincial councilor Paolo Zanella, of Futura: «The Provincial Council in the management of the pandemic is playing with fire. In yesterday’s budget report, President Fugatti did not say a single word about the real seriousness of the epidemic situation in Trentino. Not a mention of the more than 800 deaths and the dramatic congestion situation in which hospitals and intensive care units find themselves.
In short, everything is fine. Just complacent words about how well we coped with the emergency. “It was no coincidence” – President Fugatt even had the courage to say – that in the three colors established by the Government, we were classified as yellow and until now we have maintained it. ” Yes, in fact, it was not a coincidence. And certainly not because we have managed the pandemic in an exemplary way. It is no coincidence that all the data has not been deliberately communicated to stay in the yellow zone.
Even the national press talks about it, making the direction of Fugatti and our Trentino look bad. Il Messaggero has the title: “Covid, the hidden epidemic of Trento: ghost swabs and false data”. Here the knots reach a critical point.
Since my entry into the Provincial Council, I have questioned the council several times and intervened in the classroom to denounce the lack of transparency of the data, listening to the response that in Rome until December 3 they only asked for the data of the molecular swabs. As if they did not know that they are failing to communicate hundreds of positives a day, not verifying the antigenic with the molecular according to ministerial indications.
A great bluff, in short, aimed at staying in the yellow zone, as if one could bluff with the number of infections, as if we were not talking about the health and lives of people, as if these numbers did not depend on very decisions. important for the good of the community. Alto Adige and Veneto continue to verify positive antigenic swabs through the confirmation molecule, but we still do not do so and we communicate the two types of swabs separately, aware that the ISS and the Ministry have been requesting antigen data since the beginning of December, without then use them to calculate risk ratios. Continue with the game. Despite the Ministry of Health and the Higher Institute of Health, in which, however, one wonders why they did not monitor the obvious anomaly of Trentino, with data on hospitalizations, access to resuscitation and mortality completely out of scale compared to positive buffers. .
What many are asking the city council is only to take note of the seriousness of the situation, relying on real data and taking the corresponding measures responsibly. Yesterday our Rt index was 0.89, among the highest in Italy. If we take into account that it is calculated only on the trend of positives to molecular buffer, without taking into account all antigenic substances, the seriousness of the situation is clear. The true estimate of the situation is obtained by looking at the hospitalization and mortality rates related to CoVID-19. Hospitalization is 88.5 people per 100,000 inhabitants (December 9), well beyond Alto Adige – 80.6 / 100,000 – and Veneto – 58.5 / 100,000. Mortality was 13.7 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants in the last week, the third in Italy for deaths (average 7.5 / 100,000).
Faced with this situation, with the holidays upon us, we need a strong reminder of the sense of individual responsibility, which becomes an instrument of protection of the community, especially of the most fragile. It is necessary to reinforce prevention measures by limiting movement as much as possible and remembering the importance of using a mask. The reopening of schools should be prepared, whenever it is possible to restart after the holidays based on real data, planning what could not be planned during the summer break: staggering the entries and postponing face-to-face teaching for a period of more hours long. to avoid crowds on public transport. It is necessary to strengthen the monitoring and screening of health workers, as well as to strengthen the staff of hospitals and the CoViD center to deal with the multiple diseases and the risk of burnout of health staff.
The concern of this Council about the economic impact of containment measures is understandable, it is a concern that everyone can share. In this we will have to work with the government to have a snack and increase active employment policies. But the protection of life and health comes first.
Bragging to stay in the yellow zone will only slow down the decline in infections, put the sustainability of the health system at risk, and postpone the time for our territory when we can finally seriously think about restarting, “concludes Zanella.
Read the article with the outburst of Councilor Widmann.