Covid, the Chamber is now an outbreak. Fico postpones the law on homophobia


“Now let’s stop.” With the number of positives in Parliament having reached 17, with four group leaders infected, the opposition formally requests the Speaker of the House, Roberto Fico, to suspend the examination of the most important measure in question, the Zan law on homophobia. One instance arrived late in the morning, after the most recent new cases of Coronavirus in Montecitorio. Fico accepts the request from the center-right: “Due to the positivity and quarantine of the opposition groups, the Zan bill will be postponed. The provision will be examined the following week. In the coming days, however, the activity of the Chamber will continue: in the classroom with general discussions, questions and interpellations, and in parliamentary committees. The meeting of the Board for the regulation is also confirmed “

But now, if you count the newly infected, it’s official: the Chamber of Deputies is a Covid-19 outbreak. The last, in order of time, to be positive, were five members of the center-right and the deputy Maurizio Lupi, at the head of the Noi component with l’Italia-Usei of the Mixed group. Colleague this morning too Alessandra Ermellino, a former M5 also in the Mixed, announced that she was infected. Between yesterday and Thursday it was the turn of three group leaders, one from the majority and two from the opposition: Davide Crippa from M5S Francesco Lollobrigida from FdI and Mariastella Gelmini from Fi.

Forza Italia deputies also positive for coronavirus swabs Diego Sozzani me Federica Zanella and the Northern League Eugenio Zoffilme. Marco Osnato, from Fratelli d’Italia, is instead in preventive quarantine. At first, the names of the Forza Italia deputies Annagrazia Calabria and Maria Spena also circulated, but they categorically denied being positive in Covid19.



Covid alarm in the House, three positive group leaders. And now it’s a battle for remote voting

Given the many infections within classrooms, many are now calling for the introduction of remote voting. Forza Italia’s parent company, Maria Stella Gelmini, says that “nobody wants to block Parliament”, but we may be going towards a brake not in examining documents but in voting in classrooms. The leader of the League, Riccardo Molinari, points out that all the presidents of the opposition groups “are in confidence quarantine. That is why it is better not to discuss important measures such as the Zan law on homophobia.”

The leader of the Democratic Party, Graziano Delrio, argues that “if the opposition groups due to absences linked to the coronavirus ask to suspend the proceedings of the Chamber for a week, we are not opposed. Let it be clear, however, that the calendar does not change. and postpone everything. We do not accept an ad hoc postponement on the Zan bill, a law that the right wants to stop. “

In any case, if, as Ermellino denounces, Montecitorio seems to have “reduced to an explosion”, the debate on remote voting is rekindled, a measure that sees almost the entire Government and the president of the Chamber Roberto Fico in favor, As long as Italy lives and the center right remains in opposition. Times are expected to be long: for the moment, Fico has only decided to summon lawyers and computer experts to listen. But it will take at least 15 days to make a decision.


Coronavirus, deputy Ermellino (formerly M5S) is positive: “Inevitable with Montecitorio reduced to an outbreak”

Democratic Party deputy Stefano Ceccanti, who collected 114 signatures for the remote vote, says that “it is absurd that the opposition groups that reject the remote voting proposal ask for a postponement of the work.”

In the list of infected, among others, the former Minister of Health Beatrice Lorenzin (Pd), the deputy of Leu Luca Pastorino, Massimo Ungaro of IV and Francesco Zicchieri of the League. As mentioned, the opposition and IV affirm their opposition to remote voting, raising constitutional issues (Article 64 of the Charter speaks of “parliamentarians present” for deliberations) and putting secrecy and freedom of vote at risk. But in the center right there is no lack of favorable voices, such as that of the force fighter Giorgio Mulè. And Davide Casaleggio also takes the opportunity to promote his new Rousseau app.



Di Maio, Casaleggio’s latest assault on power: “The Movement’s cash register”
