An expanding market that of Taiwan with investments in the island grew 10.6% and GDP rose despite the pandemic (according to JPMorgan) of 1% this year. One of the few countries in expansion if we observe that the economic contractions of others such as the United States and Germany fall more than 4% and France and the United Kingdom more than 8% while in Italy, according to the estimates contained in the Nadef that will be presented today In the cabinet, Italy’s GDP will contract 9% in 2020 to rebound 6% in 2021. But even sparsely populated Sweden appears to have contained coronavirus attacks, posting lower infection figures than many other countries. But is it really so? How should these numbers be read?
The good results from the economic point of view in some Asian countries are due to the growing demand for technological goods that have compensated the losses of other sectors such as hospitality and tourism. This technological push in Taiwan is further accelerated by homeschooling and working from home that have taken place around the world and has led to a boom in demand for 5G technologies and artificial intelligence. Manufacturing in Taiwan grows in a speculative trend compared to that in the US Jp Morgan even stated that “Taiwan stands out for its scant evidence that there has not even been a global pandemic.” So even though global lockdowns severely slowed trade and exports, tiny Taiwan managed to stay afloat.
As for Sweden, in the last hours the country does not seem to be experiencing a second wave of infections like the rest of Europe. Sweden, however, is a particular country: among its population there are behavioral habits that are manifested in a natural social distancing that is decidedly impossible in more populated or culturally more social realities like those of southern European countries. In addition, the achievement of economic independence and the consequent detachment from the family nucleus begins as early as the post-adolescent age. Children leave home at 18 years of age and, in general, have fewer interactions with older generations (see grandparents, the most fragile segment of the population in the face of the pandemic) than in the rest of Europe. This is the reason why most scientists find it difficult to trace the current non-second wave until restrictions have been put in place to contain the infection with the goal of achieving herd immunity. This choice, in fact, has cost Sweden more than 90,000 cases so far and around 6,000 deaths out of a population of just 10 million.) In addition to a strong internal dissent.
Compared to data from neighboring Denmark and Norway, mortality was 10 times higher considering that Stockholm rates an average of 1.2 people per 1000, while Norway is at 2.2 and Denmark at 5.9. However, the good news for now is that in recent days the contagion curve seems to be slowing its rise.