Covid Terni, resuscitation attorney. Court closed


Since Sunday morning he has been admitted to the resuscitation room of the ‘Santa María’ hospital in Terni, with a serious condition, after a sudden deterioration in his health. The man is a well-known 56-year-old Terni lawyer, positive for Covid and symptomatic for a few days: he should have been present at the hearing on Thursday. of the trial ‘Spada’, that of the sentenceBut precisely because of his already precarious conditions, he had not intervened. What is worrying now is obviously the respiratory difficulties that have led doctors to choose to move the ward to the intensive care unit of the Terni hospital. The finding of contagion – to report the news first was the newspaper The messenger – triggered the epidemiological investigation by the USL Umbria 2. At the same time, on Monday morning, the immediate closure of the court was ordered to proceed with the disinfection of all rooms: in the next few hours it will be understood when the palace of justice will be operational again. From what has been learned, the last passage of the lawyer in court dates back to October 14.


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