
“There are also those who came by car from Campania with the oxygen cylinder “, says Giorgio Casati, general director of the ASL of Latina, the southernmost province of Lazio where in the last week hundreds of patients from Naples or Caserta have flocked in search of treatment. “Not just sick COVID-19 – explains the diggì – they come for any reason: those who have broken an arm and do not know where to operate, those who have the flu, those who have heart failure. The flows are still manageable, he adds. But there is little for the situation to become a problem: «Campania is like a lake that overflows. If you continue like this, you run the risk of filling everything around you as well.
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Lazio included. Governor Nicola Zingaretti’s council is aware of the problem, so much so that yesterday morning the councilor for health, Alessio D’Amato, head of the crisis unit at Lazio Covid, contacted his counterpart in Campania to try stop a phenomenon that threatens to obstruct the hospitals of the Capital region. From the advice of Vincenzo De Luca, according to what refers to Pisana, a peace of mind would have come: from now on, doctors will indicate to patients which facilities in Campania are available, avoiding abnormal displacements that, in moments of overflow of first aids, must be absolutely avoided. .
While waiting to know if the measure will produce any effect, they continue to cross regional borders. The most affected area is Formia, 38,000 inhabitants, 15 kilometers from the Garigliano River, the border line on the geographical maps between Lazio and Campania. According to a report from the Latina ASL, 96 patients from Caserta or Naples presented to the emergency room of the Formia hospital alone in one week, from November 4-11. Another 10 went to the Santa María Goretti hospital in Latina. Total: 116. And it is only the patients that the ASL has managed to track so far, data that, in addition, does not take into account the flow of the last 36 hours, when the movements in the Caserta area have grown more. “Many -explains a first-line doctor from Pontina ASL- told us that they tried to go to the Sessa Aurunca hospital, in Campania, but there they said that they no longer accepted non-Covid patients, that all the beds were converted and they were also exhausted. of the positives ».
There are those who have hired a private ambulance to be transferred urgently to a hospital in Lazio, to avoid being in line for hours on the stretcher of the van. “But even here – the doctor resumed – we have ambulances lined up with patients inside.” However, less than Naples. And so, who can, can spend up to 2,000 euros to be transported outside the region. Beyond the episodes, the figures are alarming. “At the Formia hospital, 20% of the visits now refer to patients from Campania. One in five – summarizes the director of the ASL, Casati – this phenomenon must be governed before the situation worsens. Sixteen Campania patients have been hospitalized in recent days: 5 for COVID-19, 11 for other pathologies. Another 90 were postponed after being treated in the emergency room. “Our hospitals do not fire anyone – Lazio commissioner D’Amato clarified – we cannot deny assistance to the sick. But we need a national leadership, as happened during the first wave, when we treat patients from the North in our intensive care units. In the phase we live in, each bed is precious.
Last updated: 22:26