Covid Sicily, CTS experts call for a closure: “Close schools and universities, buses and trains with seats in the middle”


High school and college closing for three weeks for a massive screening, seats in public transportation reduced by 50 percent, anticipate restaurants closing at 11pm. The regional technical scientific committee has sent a document to Governor Nello Musumeci with which it recommends a greater hardening to stop the spread of Covid-19. The President of the Region has convened a council to decide whether or not to follow the instructions.

The most important point is those related to schools. The experts, appointed last week by the Ruggero Razza Health Department, argue that a maxi screening plan in secondary schools is helpful. This will require a three-week stop, in which teaching and distance will be passed and all students and school staff will be subjected to tampons. It is also expected to close for the same period of the classroom lessons at the university.

The members of the CTS, in a long meeting, put on paper the need to anticipate the closure of restaurants and impose a total blockade of these activities in the “red zones”. The implementation of “orange zones” is also foreseen, territories at risk, but not of extreme urgency, where it would be advisable to lower the blinds before 9:00 p.m.

The suspension of gaming, betting and bingo rooms is also recommended. And the reduction of bus and metro capacity by 50 percent, with an increase in trips. Seats are currently reduced by 20 percent. However, the Scientific Technical Committee recommends increasing bus trips to compensate for the lower capacity. What will be of the CTS indications will be known in the next few hours, when the board makes a decision.
